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kodys pov

eight years later

i layed in my bed at mine and avas house, stareing at the celling. eight years have gone by quite fast. mum and dad had twins and a little boy. the twins annabella and eric are seven and they have dads curly brown hair and mums gray eyes that had specks of orange and edward is four. he has mums hair and dads curls and his eyes. he is the devil but i have to love him. things are going great with me and ava...infact last month we found out that she was pregnant... the docter said that it is very likely that she has twins being as ava is a twin and so am i, we are also engaged and i am very happy! after all these years she still puts up with me. Adam and mia live next door to us and dad and mom live on the opposite side of them. the lads have all gone off and had their own familys. we see them often as well as their children. Adam and mia are also engaged and mia is pregnant with twins. she is two months farther along then ava, and she knows the genders. little girl and a boy.

i waited in our room for ava to get out of the shower so i could take one. i would go in the guest bathroom but then we would be fighting for the hot water, so i just waited. we had to go to a docters appointment to check on the baby or possiable babies. we had already gotten one aultra sound but the docter said that if there is another baby it could have been hidding behind the other or up in her ribcage which is highly possiable because she keeps having pains in her ribs.

ava came out of the bathroom in a emerald green sun dress that made her eyes pop and she had light make up and a lighter green flats on. her curly hair cascading down her back and past about two to three inches past her bum. i gave her a light peck to the lips and then went and showered. i washed up and then got out and changed into a blue polo and kachki shorts. i brushed out my curls and brushed my teeth before sliping on my brown flip flops and walking down the steps to find ava. i found her in the kitchen eating a bagel and she had a cup of hot tea. i grabed the tea and took a sip.

"hey, that was mine!" she whinned. i smiled at her innocently.

"not anymore, babe! plus caffinne and sugar is bad for the baby" i warned. she gave me a look before going back to eating her bagel. i poured her a cup of milk and handed it to her.

"here babe" i said putting the cup infront of her.

"thanks" she said back with a smile. we finshed eating and then brushed our teeth again before hoping in the car and driving to the office.

i would like a little girl if we only have one but truly i really dont care as long as he/she is healithy and alive im happy with what ever we get.

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