Chapter 1

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Today was the day I started 8th grade at Conwell Middle School.  It's a small town so everyone here will know each other so that means I will get to see my friends.  Haven, Josie, Quinn, Ionna, Meadow and my guy friend Gaige.  I'm slightly nervous to see Haven because she and another friend Amber had a huge fight that I was in the middle of.  But I'm especially excited to see Meadow and Gaige.  I hope we have a lot of classes together.

I run down the stairs to my little brother, Taren,  standing by the door.

"Hey, you ready to go," he asks, "We're waiting on dad."

My parents divorced when I was in 5th it was partially why my dad looked for a job in a small town.  My dad got custody of all us kids. So it was me, Taren, my older sister, Keylin and brother Halton.  Halton only stayed for the summer then went to college and Keylin starts college next week so she's already left. I'm stuck in a house with boys for the next four years. Great.

"Yeah, all ready," I state without feeling.

My dad hollers from the kitchen, "Anybody want an apple for the way?"

"No thanks!" Taren and I shoot back.

"Okay then. Let's go," he says as he enters the front room.

I open the door and make my way to the car.

We drive for the first 5 minutes in silence. My dad finally speaks up.

"Ready for your second year of middle school, ?"

"Yeah. I hope. I'm excited to see my friends. I haven't seen them in forever!"

"You saw Haven all summer. We took a week trip to that lake resort with her in place of your mom because she bailed."

"Yeah. But not her really she's been involved in drama lately. More of Meadow and Ionna." I say Ionna in place of Gaige I'm not sure how my dad feels about boys.

"Oh ok." He emphasizes the 'oh' and it makes me laugh because of his accent. He's from eastern Canada. I can barely tell but i guess it's because I've been around him my whole life.

We finally pull into the school after the 15 minute drive. I'm dropped off first.

"Love you, B." My dad says as I lean over the seat to hug him.

"You too, dad."

  With that I get out of the car and walk towards the front doors.  I see all my friends sitting by a tree in front of the school. Haven, Josie, Quinn, and Ionna. Meadow isn't here yet.  And I guess Gaige is with his other friends he doesn't really like to hang out with all the girls just me.  Ionna quickly walks to me obviously uncomfortable around the other three like usual.

"Where's Meadow did you see her?

"No, sorry."

"It's fin-" She's interrupted by the warning bell.

"Let's go." I say firmly and start walking all the way to the doors.

I'm anxious, worried, excited, just everything. I really hope this is my year when I do something that matters, maybe. Just maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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