My story

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Life was perfected, I had my family, one massive family but that all changed my dad die, my life changed completely, when my dad's death happened my whole life was broken, my was broken, my heart had something missing and I know that I would change but when I changed I'm going to tell you my story of what happened to me and my family.

My name is Lucy and I'm 15 years old and this my story of the 2 years after my dad's death , my dad die when I was 14 years old it was hard, I didn't know what to do, the only thing I knew what to do was be there for my mum.

The first year was alright but my first birthday without my dad was the hardest one but I had my family with me but it wasn't the same which was my 15th birthday and the first Christmas was not as funny without my dad but like my birthday I had my family around me again.

At the start of the second year, I treated my mum like she was something on my shoe and having my sister and her three kids here wasn't really helping it made things worst because when I was having a bad day one of the kids would be annoying towards me then I would have a go at them, that caused arguments between me and daisy my sister, which made me feel like a tornado damaging everything in my way and  who was close to me, I didn't do my homework like I normally do, I sat on my laptop doing my own thing, more worried about a boy band that I liked who are called The Wanted and music most of the time, I spend more of my time in my room out of the way.

I remember one day that me and Emma  my little niece were shouting at each other which made my mum walk out and went somewhere but I didn't know where, I wanted to look for her but my sister stopped me, shortly after she went out and took the kids with her but I had to stay in to wait for some shopping when that came, I put it away I sat down at the table and broke down in tears I just wanted my dad back with me and my mum so my sister could go home and leave us alone,

When Daisy came back, James my nephew started on me so I started on him that was when tornado me came back , me and Daisy had words we didn't talk to each other for about two days.

Months later I started to help out more around the house, staying down stairs  and talking to mum, helped a lot we had a few tears, laughs and you don't see a lot of the tornado me much and I'm doing my homework spending less time on the laptop.

The 7th July came, my dad's birthday was alright then the 12th, I treated it like a normal day it was the second year of my dad's death but me and mum are each other strengths I always wanted to say to my mum I'll be your strength but I know that she would cry so I don't. In the end the old Lucy was back.

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