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My name is Lana and this is my story.......

At 7pm on 15th November 1986 , the phone rang once again at the same exact time the phone rang the year before, picking up the phone, a man with a deep and musky voice said 'welcome'', welcome to what? I thought deep and hard about it then I asked, he replied me and said'' welcome to the beginning of the tunnel''; the phone was cut off after that. All I could think about was what he meant? Who he was? What I could do?

Last year Mason went away to lakeside university Ontario, where apparently his mysterious girlfriend Georama schools. She came into his life immediately after the death of our parents. She has this pale look and it seems like there's more to her than meets the eye.

Just after one year of the relationship, she had managed to rope herself into my brother's life. That's weird because Mason doesn't really open up to people, he didn't really believe in love until she came along and changed his whole life and my whole life changed.

Driving home after my normal session with mytherapist, I noticed that I was being followed by a lady driving a red bug. Iwas really scared and stopped the car. She came out wearing a black coat withdark shades; she had melanin skin and had really dark eyes. She approached me, telling me that I need to come with her, me reluctant to go with her I was forced by some kind of charm. Trust me I don't believe in fetish things but I found myself driving to some town I had never heard of the name was brook mane. Driving into that town I sensed a feeling of belonging a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time the place just seemed right. I suddenly stopped at a red tall building so beautiful to behold, I was welcomed by another lady with beautiful hazel eyes she told me welcome home.

How can this be my home? I thought hard about it, then I realized, this is the home my mom always told me about, what she said I was born for, my destiny loll I'm sure you all have heard this many times. Anyways the house smelt nice and it was beautifully crafted with various art crafts that seemed to have sentimental meaning. Leaving the corridor I was introduced to a room called the cubic. The room was really ancient, with men, women and teenagers who looked so dark and mysterious apparently awaiting my arrival.

Then a man with a deep voice finally spoke, I felt a sense of relief for the fact that I had been waiting there with everyone looking at me with piercing eyes for about two hours creepy stuff. His utterance frightened me; he mentioned a situation which sent chills down my spine.

Last year the community had been terrorised by some ancient creatures which killed about 500 ralibs in their society, ralibs apparently are teenagers who go to different towns get married and have children, by the way those teenagers are usually related. This is in order to place various ralibs round the country. We are a different kind of town, when we are born, we are born with a mark of a cloud I always wondered what that meant. Apparently there are different colours those with the black cloud are the terrorists; those with the white cloud are our saviours also those with the red cloud are our protectors.

My little secret that no one knew, that I wasn't ready to tell yet, when we were young mason and I were never allowed to see each other's clouds I never knew what they meant but I knew they meant something important.

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