I üsed to wäke üp änd wish i stäyed ä sleep
Cäüse i went tö bed ön töp öf the world änd tödäy the wörld is on töp öf me
Everyöne häs their opinion they äin't been in my position sö they cän't säy they're feeling my päin when they don't burn the wäy i bürned änd it breäks my heärt when i heär whät they häve tö säy äbout meMy mind döesn't visit häppy pläces like öthers dö
Neither döes it find memories öf jöy änd smiling faces
It finds itself röäming äröünd in därk pläces
Pitch bläck büt it doesn't seem tö cäre
I cän heär vöices in my heäd büt i'm nöt fämliar with nöne they speäk in hüshed tönes
I wäs never fönd öf the därkness✌büt it seemed tö löve me it like the päin it bröüght tö me by torturing me with äll those memories it föünd pleäsüre in hürting me mentälly büt it ended in being physical as well
The teärs thät dröwned me every night
It smiles ät the wäy i curl üp in the cörnerSilently praying för someöne tö säve me from myself
It läüghed ät höw i läid ön the flöör,sö stiff änd lifeless
Büt möstly it löved höw it's cäpable öf breäking another söül
Knöwing thät i wön't be capable tö fix itI'm sörry for waisting yöür precious time nö wörds cän chänge my mind becäüse i'll förever lay döwn in this bed of lies i'll läy there drowning in my öwn blood säying SÖRRY för committing suicide
Emotions Today Emotions Tomorrow Emotions Forever
ActionThis story is basically about a girl ....whose life is a mess she's not a weirdo more of a bad ass but.... She tries her best not to let any one in... Because the last time she did they betrayed her and so her favorite quote is and will always be L...