Chapter seventeen

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Yes I finally updated.

I tried to make this a bit tall so I hope this is worth the wait.

Enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote, as well as fan :)

Weeks past and I was soon enough turning eighteen, though Adam still didn't know it and I intend to keep it from him.

It wasn't that I don't trust him or anything, it's just that I knew that in that day it was he day I was born into this life, and I don't need a reminder of it.

There was still occasional beating as if Katrina or whatever my mom is was forcing herself to beat me now.

It made me so confused, especially not knowing why she keeps on beating me.

It was people like this that made me so confused, worried, so alone.

It even made me scared if turn out like her, I still remember the conversations with Adam two weeks ago like it was yesterday.

"You can never be like her," he states shaking his head impassively at me.

"But what if-"

"There's no what ifs, Sky you are one of the strongest people I know, heck you're the only one that matters to me most. You have the kindest heart, so pure that even I don't know what to do with it. You can never and I mean never be like her."

It was then where my heart skipped multiple of beats, but it wasn't the end of the conversation.

"What about you? You were um, abused too. When did it start?"

"Ten, he started drinking, even before the divorce. It became worse after it though, beating me so hard, I could feel myself turning black and blue."

A sense of understanding washes through us as we stare at each other knowing how it feels to be so unloved.

It was also then did we have our second kiss, and third, and fourth and so on.

I still didn't know what me and Adam were, and I was beginning to fall for him, hard.

He saw every flaw in me yet still accepted them, through the weeks I had told him everything. Something I've never ever done to anyone, not even Anne.

Yet he still stayed by my side, told me that I didn't deserve this and that he wishes that he went through it instead of me, as if that he wasn't going through something just as painful.

I was completely and utterly crazy about him, and I didn't know what to do.

His parents were divorced so his mom didn't know any of it, and he wanted to keep it from her, to keep her safe and not worried.

It made me so proud that he still was selfless even through what he is going through.

That made me fall for Adam even more.

"Skylar!" Adam shouts out seeing me leaving the school grounds at the end of the day.

"Hey," I say pushing back the fact that today I actually turned eighteen.

It was just another day at school, but it hurt not having Anne at least look at me or anyone at all not even a brother or an ex boyfriend. I just decided to move on, or at least attempt to.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I froze then, not knowing how to respond.

"I- I'm sorry, I just-just didn't want to celebrate it."

"And why is that?"

"Because I don't have to be reminded that I was born into a world as horrible as this," I say snapping, before my walls tumbled down and a sad expression molded my features.

"We're going out," he states then taking my hand, not letting me protest.

He drives us to the beach, no one there because of the cold weather in November.

"I want to tell you something," he mutters quietly holding my hand again.

"Please not happy birthday," I look down.

"No, but it's something more and I don't know how you will react."

My heart beats wildly, is he going to break up with me? He can't, he's the only person I have left. He sees my expression then starts laughing before talking again.

"I'm not going to break up with you," he says making my rigid body relax before he begins to look nervous again.

"Skylar, I love you."

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