Surprise Surprise

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We got our skates and were sitting on a bench lacing them up. I was so excited. I haven't been here since Harry and I were kids. I had some in-line skates where as Harry had to have the regular skates. It's been a while for him too. But I have a pair of skates, so I know how to roller blade. I was done lacing up my skates where as Hazz was just finishing his first one. I giggled and got up.

"C'mon slow poke." I said skating around him. He just looked up and playfully glared at me.

"Shut up. This is difficult." He said gesturing towards the skate.

"Is not." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"It is too." He said, finally finishing and attempting to stand up. He quickly started to roll backwards and back onto the chair that he was sitting on. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Again, he told me to shut up. It only made me laugh more.

"Haha, I'm sorry. I-I just can't. Hahahaha" I said, stopping my skates in front of him, bending over and clutching my stomach. I just couldn't stop laughing. I don't know what was so funny about it, but I found it to be the most hilarious thing ever. This time when I stopped laughing and looked up at him he had an annoyed but amused expression on his face.

This time when he got up he stayed up for a little bit before starting to roll forwards. This time he freaked out and did a face plant onto the floor. Of course this time I laughed and then looked at him. He was face down on the floor, cursing to himself, and trying to get up. "Are you ok?" I asked once I calmed down some.

"No." He said sitting up and pouting like a child.

"Oh Harry hun, don't pout like that. It's only cute when I do it." I said, skating over to him and stopping in front of him.

He just stuck his tongue out at me. Rolling my eyes I stuck my hand out for him. he looked at it skeptical, but after a few seconds he gave in and let me pull him up. It was a struggle, but we got it.

"My goodness you're fat." I said as I finally pulled him up.

"I am not fat!" He said, glaring at me playfully.

"Oh shut it, Styles." I said letting go of his hands and skating circles around him.

"Did you really just call me 'Styles'" he asked, a little hatred in his voice.

"If I did? What's it to you? It is your name." I said matter-of-factly and stopping in front of him.

"Oh you're on, Ray." He said moving forward a little.

"Come and get me, Styles." I taunted him skating backwards out of his reach.

"Ah, stop moving!" He complained.

"No, now lets go see if you can catch me." I winked before I skated off onto the rink and started gaining speed.

"Dammit." I heard him mutter before he slowly started after me.


This girl is going to be the death of me.

I thought as I started after her. Slowly, so I don't fall. Again. I admit, I haven't done this in a while, I meant to practice before I took her out, but I was having troubles figuring out what to do I just forgot. Now she's skating circles around me. Damn her. Why did she have to look so cute?

"Come and get me Styles." She taunted skating backwards, out of my reach. Again.

"Ah, stop moving!" I complained to her.

"No, now let's go see if you can catch me." She said winking and skating off into the rink.

"Dammit." I muttered to myself and started after her.

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