~Aye, wassup my peps. Keep reading. Keep voting.
________________________________________________________________________*Yn Pov* *At school*
I slowly walked up to my locker seeing that Prince and his friends were there. I took out my ear plug and asked them to move.
Yn: Excuse me*faint whisper*
Prince: im sorry what was that?
Yn: excuse me *said alittel louder*
Roc: it sounded like she slept with boy on the football team
Everyone started laghuing and pointing at me. Prod walked behind me and wrapped his hand around my waist and pinched my stomach he whisperd in my ear " youve been a bad dog" I felt warm tears roll down my checks. I just walked away. As i was almost at my destination which was the bathroom when i was stop by someone.
??: hey wait up
The bell had rang. So the halls were empty.
Yn:*Turns around* WHA-*gco*
Oh my god. I just got kissed.
*Roc Pov*
Prodigy: where did Ray and Prince go
Roc: i think Prince went to the bathroom i dont know what happened to ray
Prodigy: oh ok
Ive been thinking. It wont hurt to get to know Yn. She seem cool. Why do we even bully her. It aint right. She is so pretty. She so perfe-*gco* This cant be happening. Am i falling for Yn.
*Ray Pov*
I was wlaking down the halls. Looking for my class. I was late cuz i was in the bathroom. As i was walking i seen Prince tap Yn on the shoulder i just kept walking cuz i didnt wanna see what he was gonna do to her. I dont wanna do the plan. I was thinking yesterday. I do love Yn and im gonna make her mine.
________________________________________________________________________~ awww snaps. Something finna go down.

Abused Love(Yn And Mindless Behavior Story)
RandomYn (Your name) get abused/bullied by a of group of boys. Prince, Roc, Ray, and Prod. They torture you everyday. Roc and Prince live down the street from you and Prod and Ray live around the coner. They bully you at home, at school and in public. Wil...