While he walked the damp streets of what he liked to call "the damp lands" there was a gas station at the end of the street. The white paint was pealing to reveal maroon bricks beneath. There were three boys out side smoking and a Jenifer the hottest girl in school, and the Quarter Back of the Football team eating her alive. Oli rushed inside with his hood pulled up so no one knew it was him. He walked to the back of the store and looked at all the beverages, he grabbed three red bulls, when he got to the front of the store he asked "Can you give me the Marlboro there" Pointing at the red package hanging on the wall behind the glass screen. After he payed he walked by the group of boys trying to keep them from seeing him. This time it actually worked.
Once he got to the next blocked he pulled his hood down and ran his fingers threw his thick, course hair. He hopped the fence to the ally and walked down to a man wearing all black. Just walk by if he talks to you run he thought. The man didn't say anything so Oli just kept walking. He climbed to the top of the the next wall and jumped down. He sprinted to the side of his house then jumped and grabbed the raindiverterand pulled himself up and dove into his room threw the window. Oli was sure that his door would never open.