Just Pose

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Maggie's locker banged shut. She brushed her short, dirty blonde hair out of her eyes and made her way through the crowded hallway. Cradling her books with one arm, she snapped pictures of her school mates; some kids posing and others acting stupid.

Maggie entered the classroom quickly and took her place in the seat in the farthest corner in the front of the classroom. As more kids filed in, Maggie took out her camera and clicked away.

"Put it away, Maggie." The teacher said, closing the door behind him. "Don't let me see it until the bell rings."

Maggie rolled her eyes.

“Alright everybody. The new semester starts today; do you all have your new schedules? Okay, good. We're getting a new tenth grade transfer; he'll be in our homeroom. His name is Luke, and I expect all of you to be extra annoying so he feels welcome."

A few kids snickered. Maggie smiled.

Someone knocked quietly on the door. A few kids exchanged glances; knowing exactly what to do. Maggie held tightly to her camera under her desk. The teacher unlocked the door and swung it open.

The boy who walked in was obviously nervous. He had a school map in one hand and his class schedule in the other. "Sorry I'm late, I got lost."

"That's what the map is for." The teacher responded coldly. "This is homeroom, homeroom this is Luke. Be nice."

With that, the teacher sat down at his desk and turned on his laptop; a sure sign that he was ignoring them.

"Hey Luke. I'm Dana." The blonde senior smiled sweetly, jutting out her hip and fluttering her eyelashes.

"What's up dude? Can I see that?" Jacob grabbed Luke's map from his hands and walked back to his desk with it.

"Wait, I need that! Give it--"

"Come here Luke. We need to take your picture!" Kyra said, dragging Luke, who was still trying to get his map back, over to Maggie.


"The yearbook has a special section for new kids. We always get your picture on your first day." Hannah explained while Kyra messed with Luke's hair.

"There, perfect!" Kyra squealed. "Take the picture, Maggie."

Luke turned to Maggie. The confused expression he had made her giggle. She held her camera with one hand and flashed away quickly.

"So Luke," She said absentmindedly. "Would you like a blue background or a gray one?"

"What?" He blinked at every picture. "Please stop taking pictures!"

Maggie giggled again and looked at her pictures. "Ooh, that's a keeper!"

Luke looked mortified. "Please delete that."

"Oh come on, I think it looks cute." Kyra said, sitting on the edge of Luke's desk, which made him look extremely uncomfortable.

"Luke, that's a nice hair cut. Do you mind if we...?" Chris and Jacob took out a pair of scissors and approached Luke; who squirmed out of his desk and backed away.

"Alright guys, I think you scared him enough." Maggie said, taking a quick picture of Luke's frightened face.

"Come on, Maggie! We were so close..." Jacob whined.

The other kids returned to their seats, muttering angrily. After everyone sat back down and began talking to each other, Luke timidly returned to his desk beside Maggie.

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