6- Chili flakes

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The building where Misty lived didn't have a parking lot, as it only had a view on the main street, so Ash had to park his car a little far. He tightened his grip around Vivian's hand as he walked on the street, trying to spot the familiar entrance door.

"Ice cream—Uncle Ash! I want ice cream!" Vivian refused to move as they walked past an ice cream shop. Ash silently groaned and stepped to the back. "Fine."

"I want strawberry ice cream!" Ash knew it wasn't wise either to buy a kid anything sugary during the night, but it's not like he had a choice. No one in the family could say no to Vivian.

"Okay, Vivi. Okay!"

And plus, it was an opportunity for him to buy one of those tasty Nutella crepes again. He could remember now how he and Misty once bought them from this same shop.

"Thanks, sir, and have a good ending of day."

"Thanks." Ash bent down to Vivian's level and handed her the ice cream. Her face lit up. "Here you go, princess. Don't get it over your dress, okay?"

"Okay! I love ice cream!"

Ash smiled at her enthusiasm. He got up and his phone started to ring.

"Oh God." It was Kaden. Damn it. He thought those two weren't going to get home early...

"Uhm, hi Kaden." Ash pressed the phone to his ear with his shoulder as his hands were busy keeping Vivian around and eating his Nutella crepe.

Hi bro! How is it going? Is Vivi asleep?

Okay, they weren't home. That was good, very good. "Uh—uhyeh—yeah—how's the date going?"

Great! We really needed it. We might get home a little bit late. You don't mind? Do you have work tomorrow?

"Uh—yeah—no worries, bro. Just take your time. I don't have work tomorrow." Ash lied. He thought he should keep them away the maximum possible. There was a good drive between Pallet and Cerulean that awaited him.

You're the best, bro! Thanks!

"Don't thank me. Have a great time."

Good night, Ash!

"Good night."

Ash sighed heavily after his brother hung up. He stopped walking for a second to put his phone back inside his coat pocket, and then started walking again; making sure Vivian is slightly ahead. He needed to keep an eye on her.

"There!" Ash ate quickly what was left of the crepe and pushed Vivian forward. The two got inside the building, and Ash noticed the elevator was taken.

"Pfft. Come on, Vivi!" Vivian let a loud giggle as Ash picked her up and stormed to the stairs.

"Uncle Aash! I'm going to fall!"

"Nope, you won't!"

She giggled loudly, getting the ice cream all over her face. Ash got a little bit of ice cream on his coat too.

He sighed loudly when he reached the third floor and Misty's apartment. He put Vivian down and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

"Where are we, Uncle?"

Hell or Heaven, it depends... Ash bit his lips when he heard Misty's voice behind the door shouting "I'm coming!"

The door opened.

Misty hid her mouth with her hand. She froze for a moment. "Ash? O-oh..."

"Hey... can I..." Ash looked down at his niece and then at Misty. "Can we get in?"

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