Secrets Unveiled

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Chapter 4-

Secrets Unveiled

“Derek, can you come pick me up?” I say through the phone.

“Sure babe.” Derek says. 

He gets to the café in 10 minutes. When I get in the care he looks at me.

“Hey instead of lunch, the boys want to go swimming. Justin has a pool at his house. Do you want to come?” He smiles. He looks really jumpy like he really wants to go.

“That’s fine.” I agree.

“Great. I brought your duffel bag so we could head straight there. You don’t have to swim because of your legs.” He smiles really wide. See, I told you he must have really wanted to go. Oh wait, you can’t see, you weren’t exactly there. Well you’re just gonna have to trust me.

“Thanks.” I smile at him.

We arrive at Justin’s house and there are already 4 other cars there. We go into his house and I say high to his friends. They are the same ones that were at Derek’s apartment yesterday, except there is a blonde this time. The blonde guy is cute but he looks way too young for me, beside I’m not a cougar. 

I change into my bikini. Which I’m feeling very self-conscious in, especially being around 5 hot guys. I leave my t-shirt, to cover myself a little.

I find the pool and walk to a table with some beers and I take one then find a seat.

“Hiya.” The blonde guy walks next to me. Did he really just say ‘hiya’?

“Hello,” I smile at him. Play nice with the other children, Mick.

“Do you need help opening that?” He points to my beer in my hands.

“No, I’m good thanks.” I smile at the cute blonde.

“You sure?” He smiles. I turn to face him. I place the cap in my mouth and in one swift motion I take the bottle cap off with my teeth. Yes, I said teeth.

“Holy shit! Are you ok?” I start laughing. I spit out the cap.

“Yeah I’m fine, I do it all the time.” I keep laughing. His face was beyond priceless.

“What’s wrong?” Ethan yells. He gets out of the pool and walks to us.

“She just to the cap off with her teeth!” The blonde says really loud to Ethan.

“Feisty bitch.” Ethan winks at me. I’ll show you feisty bitch. Honey you aint seen nothing yet. Nick, the blonde, and Ethan jump back into the pool.

Justin walks over to me and pulls up a chair.

“Hi,” he says.

“Hi. You smell like cigarettes, do you have any with you?” I know what you’re thinking, no I don’t go around sniffing attractive guys.

“Yeah why?” He cocks an eyebrow at me.

“Derek, doesn’t let me smoke at his place.” I look around to make sure Derek isn’t near to see me smoke. Thankfully he is in the house.

“Here.” He hands me a cig and lights it for me. I inhale, then take it from my mouth and blow.

Kids, don’t try this at home!

“What’s this?” He grabs my hand and I look down at my engagement ring.

“Shit!” I curse under my breathe. I take my hand from his.

“You’re engaged?” He smiles. “Who is the lucky lady?”

Lady? What lady-oh right. I’m supposed to be gay. Great.

“Um not now! I’ll tell you later.” I walk to the edge of the pool by Derek.

“DJ, I need to talk to you.” I whisper.

“Ok.” He gets out of the pool and wraps a towel around himself. We walk a bit away from the pool so the other guys don’t hear us.

“So I should have told you this earlier, but I kinda forgot. Since you are my best friend you should be the first to hear. I’m engaged. Ta-Da” I put on a fake smile trying to reassure him.

“I thought you said no.” He says looking confused. I tend to confuse him a lot.

“You love him?” Derek crosses his arm over his chest. He only does that when he trying to challenge someone or is very skeptical.

“Yes I do.” I nod and mock him by crossing my arms over my chest like him too. I try and stand tall to look intimidating. It doesn’t ever go in my favor though.

“Then why do keep avoiding eye contact. Look me my eyes and tell me you love him.” He walks closer to me. He has a point.

I looked up into his hazel eyes. “I love him.”

“Ok that’s all I needed to see.” He walks away from me and jumps back into the pool. I go back and sit by Justin. I steal his cig from his mouth.

“Hey!” He yells.

“Hay is for horses.” I mumble with the cigarette in my mouth.

“Shut up and give me my cig back.” I finish the cig off and flick it over the fence into his neighbor’s yard.

“You’re welcome.” He grumbles.

“No problem.” I smile and pat his head.

“Nice tattoos.” He points to my wrist.

“Thanks.” I run my hand over it.

“How many do you have?” He asks turning to face me. So in reply I take off my t-shirt.

Ladies, for future reference if a boy every ask you to take off your shirt, think first.

“This one on my back…. (Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.)… here on my wrist… (with pain comes strength)…and on my other wrist… (a map of the world with a marking of all the places I’ve been) …also here…. (the air force symbol on my hip)….Here on my foot is a tattoo from my sister and I. (two little thumb prints forming a heart)

“What about the one here on your side?” He points to my rib cage.

“What?” I look where he is pointing on the side of my rib cage. I grab my shirt and put it back on before he can ask any more questions. I run in his house trying to get from him. Too many questions for one day.

I turn around and Justin is right behind me.

“Hey I’m sorry if I wasn’t supposed to see that.” He apologizes.

“No one is supposed to.” I shake my head.

“Who is she? I would say your girlfriend but the little hand print didn’t make any sense.” He questions.

“Lillie isn’t my girlfriend.” I roll my eyes and I start fidgeting with my hands.

“Who is she?” He says walking closer to me.

“She is my daughter.” I finally say.


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