Chapter 1

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Summer is completely over, today is the first day of school. No more pools, no more beaches. Now we have to deal with teachers and homework. The only good thing about school is seeing your friends and having basketball practice!
"Come on Allison we have to get to school, I can see the bus it's coming down the street."
"I'm coming just let me put my book in my backpack" Allison says running towards the bus.
"Good morning ladies ready for the first day of school!" says Stan the bus driver.
"Yes, I guess" they both say at the same time.

Okay, so the first class we have is together.

"Okay let's go I wonder if we are cooking for first quarter?"said Allison.

"OMG do you see who we have in this class Allison? We have Caleb Walsh and Dylan Holland, uggh this sucks."

"Yay i'm so happy we have Dylan in this class he is so cute."

"Ew, I can't believe you still like him."

"So what, let's just go and sit down."


I can't believe that we have to have Caleb in our class he's so annoying and for some odd reason everybody likes him, so he's popular. I mean just because Caleb is captain of the basketball team and football team doesn't mean he has to be popular. But I have to admit that he is kinda cute with the quiff he does in his hair but anyway he is annoying. The worst part is, is that he will probably talk the whole time during class and we will never get anything done. I thought this class was gonna be fun but I guess not because you know who is in this class (Caleb). I just want to go to basketball practice with the team.

"Claire? Earth to Claire?"
"What? What happened?"
"You were daydreaming again."
"What did I miss?"
"Nothing really just her talking about herself."
"Okay good, thanks for waking me up thats why Allison you are my best friend!"
"Ya I already know!"
"Okay everybody can I get your attention please. Today we aren't really gonna be doing anything I'm  just kinda gonna talk the whole time about our first unit. Our first unit is going to be family life. Now don't get all crazy it's not learning about your bodies, it's taking care of fake babies. So you are gonna have a partner (boys with girls, girls with boys) you will be getting a fake baby a bottle, blanket, diapers that you will have to change the baby into, clothes that you will also have to change the baby into. Also it will cry at random times so you will have to make it stop crying. Another thing after school everyday one of you will have to go to your partner's house to take care of the child together I don't want one person taking care of the baby, both of you need to take care of it. You and your partner will also have to choose a name for the boy or girl. Any questions?" Said Mrs.Johnson.
(Allison raises her hand)
"Yes Allison" Mrs.Johnson says
"Do we get to pick our partners?"
"No you will not."
(Claire raises her hand)
"Yes Claire?"
"What will we do with the babies during school?"
"You will leave your baby with me, everyday that you drop off your baby I will grade it and see how well you are doing. You will need to get them before you leave school otherwise I will call both your parents and talk to them about it, so make sure you get the babies before you leave. I will give you the last 5 minutes of class to talk,with your friends so basically in tell the bell rings. Have a good rest of the day everybody!" Said Mrs.Johnson.
                         BELL RINGS
"That's the bell everybody bye y'all." Said Mrs.Johnson.

"Well that's seems pretty easy I just don't want to get Caleb or Dylan that would be horrible."
"I hope I get Dylan then we would be technically dating!"
"Your so weird."
"I know"
"Well I got to go I have social studies next."
"Okay see ya 3rd hour in math."
"Okay bye, have fun in English."
"I'll try bye"
             Caleb & Dylan talking
"Did u hear that Dylan we won't be able to pick our partners that's so dumb."
"But Caleb I might be with Allison that would be technically we are dating!"
" I can't believe you like her like look at her gross."
" Your so mean at least I like somebody."
"I like somebody."
"Oh really."
"Who then."

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