The best gift I've ever received.

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I'm sitting on my bed looking around my room. I look at the jewelry box I got for Christmas one year, the dolls behind me, all gifts. My teddy bear who's been there since I was small every night. I look down and see the bracelets from other countries, the expensive rings and necklaces I've received. I look at the books, my journals. I look at all the stuff I've been given for one occasion or another. I realize that while I love all the things I've been given it's a simple beaded necklace I love the most.

 It's made to look like jade, and there are 11 or 12 different types of beads on it. It's a cheap thing, probably bought from a dollar store, I've had to restring it more times then I can count and I've had it around 6 months. I got it April 6Th of this year. I wear it everyday, and when I'm upset I hold it in my hand and Caresse the beads. It looks stunning on my neck, with my white skin and red hair to give it a back ground. I often wear black, so that to gives it a contrast.

If you look at my necklaces you'll realize soon that it's out of place. I have a silver plated money leaf from Rome, I have a peace sign and a angel both in silver and on a silver chain. Those are the other two I wear. The beads though are on fishing line, they are large and heavy when compared to my other ones. The paint is coming off from the beads from my rubbing them, and them hitting eachother.  It does not seem like it matches, but it's my favourite one.

The beads have a story behind them. It's kind of romantic and for me it represnts falling in love.

It was in April of my tenth grade year, I'd been dating an older student since January of that year. We were really close and though people didn't like the fact that we were together we didn't care. I was in the cafe in the morning like usual with a group of friends. Meldee, Briana, Ashlee, Monique, and Yusi (That's all I can think of right now) and he came downstairs from Ultimate, or was it Rugby practice? I don't remember. Anyways. He came and said good morning and gave Briana a quick hug. He turned and walked away before I could say anything. He went and talked to a couple of his other friends, then came back. He stood about four feet away and tossed these beads at me. I caught them and looked at them. I looked up at him and asked,

 "What? Are these your prayer beads?" He shook his head and said,

"Nope. Just a necklace" I went to hand them back, and he shook his head. "It's a present." I looked down at my hands again. At these beautiful beads. Meldee piped up and said,

"Jade! That means good luck!" I went to hand them back to him again, not fully aware (hey it was early in the morning!) Meldee smacked my head and said "They're for you dummy!" I looked up to thank him and possiably hug him, but he was gone.

I just held the beads in my hand and kept running my fingers over them. The talk went on around me, but I was so out of it, my friend Monique finally just grabbed my arm to take me to change. I didn't say a word, just got up and followed. I didn't say anything all of that period, just held them whenever I could (I had gym class)

I couldn't speak or think for a long time, because I realized when he handed me the beads that I had crossed the line. I had fallen for him. I was in love with him.

I was the first girl whom he gotten something for, and he was the first guy I'd gotten something for (a few weeks later, I was on a music trip and had gotten him a necklace with a bear paw on it. All my friends called him my bear and he is very much like a bear) I love this necklace because it represnts my first love, and the good in the world.

Sorry of you read this and it bored you. I just want to write it out. If you have any questions feel free to message or leave a comment. Thanks if you read this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2011 ⏰

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