3. You Are Unique

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Yea, He Follows me A lot

© 2012 All Rights Reserved 


I was standing outside my house, shivering, when Damien finally thought it be fun to show up.

“Damien, where have you been?” I asked clearly annoyed by him.

“I’m sorry; the twins thought it would be fun to have a quickie before I left, so I obliged.”

“Whatever happened to bros over hoes?”

“Hon, that doesn’t apply to this.” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“If not, then when would it apply?” I asked tapping my foot with annoyance.

“Well I don’t know when it will, so I’ll tell you the times when it won’t,” he raised a finger to signalize this would be reason number one. “it won’t apply when I’m having intercourse,” he winked and raised a second finger. “Or when I’m enjoying myself in some way AND always remember! I come before you, I’m the important one. Thirdly, it won’t apply when…” he thought about the third reason, and I had the strangest feeling he was just making these up as he spoke to annoy me.

“You know what, fine. I’ll also keep this in mind when you’re in deep shit.” He smirked and then hugged me.

“You know I’m just saying that to tease you,” I muttered dark words under my breath and crossed my arms over my chest. “God you really need to get laid, it would do some good to you.”

“Oh really? Damien, sex isn’t the solution to all things.”

“But it is to most, sex is like weed,” Oh Dear, here come one of his famous lectures. “no one truly appreciates all it has to offer. They just always look at the bad stuff and half the time, there is no bad stuff, just bias information.”

“Damien, just open my door. I think we both need to get a good night sleep.” He looked at me perplexed. "Some more than others." I muttered,

“I’m not sleeping tonight, I have two very interesting boys who will be making sure of that.” He winked.

“Well just because you’re not going to be able to get some sleep doesn’t mean you have to ruin mine with your gross stories.”

“Sweetie, I was just informing you, but if you want stories, I’ll give you stories.” He said just as he had opened the door. I quickly rushed in and closed the door behind me.

“Thanks a lot Damien," i said through the closed door. "I really appreciate this but I really don’t want to hear your…stories.”

“One day you’ll be begging to hear them, asking for tips and that entire sort.”

“Shut up, leave me alone.” He laughed.

“We’ll continue this conversation tomorrow. G’Night Sherry.” I heard his footsteps fade away and I let out a sigh of relief.

God, how did I ever get stuck with him, I mean her.

As I was having conversations with myself I hadn’t noticed Spot rushing towards me but I did notice the part where he smacked right into me.

“God Spot!” I said in a angry tone, but it was very hard to keep that up, so I gave up. “Oh come here boy! I missed you.”

I had eventually gotten up and checked my Voicemails. I had three. Not the most but still a bit mind boggling. I pressed play.

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