A Petal for You

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No matter what, I'm the hottest chick in the world. My measurements are 34D, 26,48. Because my booty's so big, chick haters convince themselves that it's fake. So sad. Like I give a rat's a what THEY think. Hair-wise, I own a trademark 30-inch sheet of fire-engine red hair that usually looks best with a middle part and stylish beanie. And finally, I have small black eyes that are framed with thick faux lashes, golden star cheek piercings and full pink lips that rival Kerry Washington's easily. My skin is also chocolate brown an flawless like a Hershey kiss. Yep. All of this packaged into a 4"11 frame, and the boys take fifth plus looks! And my name is? It's Petal. Petal Rose. I kid you not. I can show you the effin birth certificate. My mom, whose name is River Rose, thought my skin was as soft as a "flower petal" when I was born. So I guess she, on impulse, named me that. But she's always been an impulsive chick. She don't think much, she do. Guess that's why God gave her a small head and big arms and hands. I got two sisters and one older brother. We all got unusual names; 13 year old Brazyl, 16 year old Nine and 22 year old Mountain aka Mount. Im the darkest(and proud of it) with Hershey kiss chocolate skin, while Nine was the lightest, with saltine-cracker color skin. My Dad, Joseph Simms, ain't in the picture much. Jus the sperm donor. Don't really like to talk about it, cause it gets me all choked up, y'know? He touched me and Brazyl way too much, and that's all I'm willing to reveal. Don't wanna cry. Bad B's don't cry. And now that I'm seventeen, I really don't care. I do what I want, but I'm not no fast chick. None of us are. Mama don't play that. She be on our ass like green on grass, us girls especially. She stresses over and over again that she don't want nobody taking advantage ovus girls. She probably needs to tell that to Brazyl, cause outta alla us, she be the most flirty, wearing nothing but tight short dresses to school like she's headed to a club every day. She don't listen, though. And I suppose Nine is the most calm outta us all. She keep to her self mostly; staying in her room and reading and studying and doing art. She don't talk much either. And I think that's good, cause I live in a household filled with chicks who cant shut up for nothin, myself included. We be loud, screaming and all, and Nine is adverse to alla that which is probably why she lives in her room. But I'm not judging her. And Mount? Well... He kinda got his daddy in him. A classic Don Juan with alla chicks in the neighborhood. But uh...he, like me, don't care. Hell probably learn after he gets a STD, thinking that he can bed anybody with those hazel eyes and dimples. But...we all got our flaws. Back to me now. I'm the hottest chick, in more meanings than one. Especially today. It's a scorching 90 degrees in Lower Manhattan. I feel like walking around naked. " I really don't wanna head toda store!" I groaned, while Aimee, onna my besties with a curly mint green weave and caramel skin, chuckled. Together we looked like Christmas. And that definitely got us attention everywhere we went. But we liked it nonetheless. I was headed toward to nearest deli in town to get my mom a sandwich and a coke using ten dollars. Despite what she told me, I was getting something too. Shoot. A chick is thirty!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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