
21 2 1

I slowly open my eyelids and begin seeing the light through my window, not remembering anything that had happened the day before. Then suddenly, it all rushes to my mind.

Shit. I'm meeting with Harry today.

I groggily check the time, and internally scream when I remember that I am supposed to be meeting him in ten minutes. I immediately jolt out of bed and begin attempting to straighten out a few knots in my hair. I don't want to impress Harry, but I want to look at least presentable. It's also a way to stay as far away from my mother as possible. Knowing her, she'll try and throw me into a lavender, frilly dress and make a checklist I like to call, 'Things to Talk About With Guests That Won't Make It Obvious You're A Psycho Freak'. Charming, my mother is.

I find a wrinkled ebony t-shirt with skinny jeans and look at myself in the mirror. Oh well, I could look worse, I think as I slowly begin to open my door, not daring to make any sounds.

I tiptoe slowly down the stairs, making each step as quiet as the last. I reach the last step and fast-walk as quiet as possible to the front door, hastily throwing on my muddy sneakers. I peak over into the living room to see my mother engrossed in today's newspaper. Perfect. I begin slowly turning the doorknob and turn around one last time to make sure she isn't aware. Not taking my freedom for granted, I silently close the door and begin to walk to the Styles estate, realizing I was doing the exact same not even 24 hours ago.

I walk up the gravel path and onto the stairs leading up, nerves tingling within each step. Why am I nervous? I am just here to get away from my family.

Maybe it's because my lack of social skills is extremely high due to excessive amounts of staying indoors.

I finally reach the rose painted door and knock firmly, listening for any signs of movement. Sure enough, I hear fast footsteps and the faintest crash of a piece of tableware. The door swings open, and I find myself face to face with none other than Harry Styles.

He's shirtless.

"You didn't bother getting a shirt on?" I ask, keeping eye contact with him. My tone is annoyed, making him smirk.

"What girl wouldn't want to see this?" He gestures towards his abs, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm here Harry because I'd rather face your douchiness than face my sister and her intolerable fiance. And if it's okay, I'd like to come in and not stand outside wishing you would get a shirt on."

He flashes a toothy smile before gesturing me to come inside his house, which I walk into slowly.

As he shuts the door, he says, "Well now you're here. What do you want to do?"

"Shouldn't you have planned this out?" I retort.

"I was thinking you were going to bail," Harry says before giving me a small smile.

"Well I don't want to be here in the first place, but you know, better be with you than my sister."

"Damn, no need to be rude. Besides, your sister can't be that bad."

"You don't know anything, Styles."

He gives a small chuckle, then lifts his arms up to gesture his house. "I don't know about you, but I kind of want to do more than banter. See anything rather interesting? I'm not sure what we can do, but anything to make you not infuriated with me."

I roll my eyes at him as I'm looking around. His house is full of unopened boxes, miscellaneous furniture scattered throughout the living space, and empty Chinese food boxes. I try to find something even remotely interesting before finding a beat-up pack of playing cards underneath a coffee table.

"Want to play go fish?" I suggest.

"Sounds real entertaining," Harry smirks at me, but begins to walk over after picking up a random shirt off the floor and putting it on.

I've been over at Harry's for the past three hours. I've mostly been an awkward mess and he's made fun of me about it, but we had been actually having a great time.

"I should probably get going, Harry. My mother is going to worry she hasn't heard my Panic! CD's yet."

"I'm surprised you've been hear this long, Elizabeth. I thought you hated me." He says as he cleans up our finished game of Monopoly.

"Don't push your luck, Harry." I retort, beginning to put on my torn Converse.

"Please come back tomorrow. I need someone to help me set up my room." He says, pleading with me as I'm starting to walk out.

"We'll see. Bye, Harry," I say, giving him a small wave.

"Bye, Elizabeth," Harry smiles, waving back. I grin and shut the door, glad my time over there wasn't a complete disaster.

What I was worried about, though, was how to get home without letting my mother know I was gone.

I dash across the street and into the cracked pavement leading up to my house. I notice my sister's car parked into the driveway and I gulp. It'll be hard getting past her too.

I slowly opened my door and walked in, not seeing a single person in the living space, wondering where anyone could be. I wasn't complaining, though; I could finally be in peace. I've already had enough human interaction all day.

I'm starting to walk sneakily up the stairs, thinking carelessly about what book I wanted to read, when I get to the hallway and completely stop dead in my tracks.

I'm standing face to face with my mother, and she looks nowhere near happy. Her eyes are a dark shade of ocean blue, a bad sign when you're looking into her eyes. I gulp, trying to think of what to say or do. Her stare is intimidating me.

"Where have you been?"

Here's chapter two. I'm sorry that was so long, and I'm sorry this sucked, but I can't write to save my life :)))) Let me know what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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