•chapter one•

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"Trust me Sage, you're going to love it here," my father had said to me this morning. So far, my time at Westfield High had been a living hell. Just as I figured, no one understands who I am. I'm just a lost soul in need of finding, but no one has taken the time to try to look.

"Sage O'Sullivan? Is there a Sage O'Sullivan in this class?" my head instantly popped up at the sound of my name. My calculus teacher, Ms. Callahan, smiled at me, showing off her perfect set of teeth. "New student?" she asked me, as if she didn't know.

"You bet," I replied flatly, obviously not wanting to be here. She gulped and looked away for a slight second.

"Wel-welcome to Westfield." she cracked a small smile and I still wasn't impressed. Don't get me wrong, she seemed like a nice lady, but she's just like everyone else. Thank God calculus was my last class of the day, all I wanted to do was go home and lay in bed while my Nirvana albums play in the background. The bell rang and I took no hesitation in getting up. I rushed out of the door and headed down the hall. In the midst of having my mind set on getting home, I tripped over someone's heel.

"Goddammit," I mumbled, gathering my books and shit. I could hear snickering above me and just rolled my eyes. I got back to my feet and just ignored their smart remarks. In the corner of my eye, I noticed someone staring at me. Just ignore it, I told myself and kept walking. I don't have a car, so my choice of transportation was my feet. It wasn't really my choice, but it's better than taking the bus. Lucky for me, though, I only live about ten minutes from school so it's not really a long walk. While walking, I felt like someone was following me. But every time I turned around to look, no one was there. I eventually just shrugged it off because I was almost home anyways. When I arrived home, nobody was there. My little brother, Shane, was at school and my dad was at work. I was relieved that they weren't here, they don't like when I smoke when they're here. I dropped my stuff in my room and pulled out my cigarette package and lighter. Smoking is a bad habit, but I picked it up when my mother lost her two year battle with lung cancer. It's kinda ironic that my mother dies from lung cancer so I pick up smoking, having a chance of getting lung cancer. At this point, I didn't really care. I also picked up cutting. It hurt like hell, but sometimes it's better to feel the pain somewhere else besides in your heart. Other times, I just felt empty.

As I stepped onto my front porch, the feeling came back. I swear to God, someone is watching me. Trying to distract myself from that feeling, I lit my cigarette and took a seat on the porch steps. I took the first drag and noticed someone coming towards me. It looked like the person I saw staring at me at school... As this person got closer, I noticed that it was a he. He had shaggy blonde hair and was pretty tall. He was wearing a burgundy hoodie with a plain white shirt and dark jeans. He was looking straight at me, with, what seemed like, his big, brown eyes.

"May I help you?" I called out to him. He said nothing and just kept walking. "Okay," I said to myself.

He stopped when he was standing right in front of me. I know I should've probably been scared that he was going to kill me or something, but what can I say? I was intrigued.

He stood there for a few seconds and when he spoke, he just said these three words.

"Hi, I'm Tate."


aye, it's the first chapter. idk when I'm going to have the next chapter up, but it'll probably be soon. so, Tate...oml, he's so cute, like...mmm. anyways, this story is set in L.A. in 1994, before the Westfield High School shooting. so the story will just escalate from here. and I know there's a lot of violet fans out there, don't worry, she'll be in the story later on. well, have a good night/day/whatever 🖖🏻

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