Part 5

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When I get home I completely forget that my mom has no clue that I got hurt at all! I walk into the living room and she freaks out asking what happened to my arm, I tell her the same lie I have been going with. I fell in the locker room blah, blah, blah. Of course like the rest she believes it, and asks no further questions. I walk to my room and get on my laptop, I have a message from Gabi!!

Gabi: Hey Girl!

Me: Hey(:

Gabi: You have plans for car show weekend?

Me: No, why?

Gabi: Good your staying with me

Me: Okayy, well I'm getting off here talk to you later!

Gabi: Deuces!!(:

I got off and started getting my stuff together, I can NOT look bad for this weekend I have to work concession for church! I pick out a pink V neck, dark denim shorts, and black convers. Sounds okayy to me, I put it on my dresser and head to bed. The next day I wake up and get on Facebook Gabi messages me telling me to hurry up ad get to Paris Park before I am late, I look at the time, shit!!! It's 10:20, I have to work at 10:30!! I hurry up put my clothes on, grab my straightener, run out to the living room and have my dad take me down there because he drives faster then my mom(: I get there in 5 minutes, yes! Enough time to do my hair in the bathroom real quick! I walk in the stand 2 minutes late and Gabi see's me and hugs me, we grab a box if donuts and go sell them. By 2:00 we were off and ready to go get ready for tonight, we are going to hang out with Clayton and his cousin Donovan. We do our make up an head to Sonic to get us something to drink, then we head up town to find them, after 20 minutes we both had to pee so we walked into Dillon'a and used the bathroom. When we walked out my dad was in his Mustang out in the parking lot, he wanted to know if we wanted a ride and if I was staying the night with her. We turned down the ride in the night show but told him I was staying the night,by hen we met Clayton and Donovan at the park on 2nd street.

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