If Only He noticed

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~ (the 1st time)~


This shitty plan is never going to work I thought as I slammed the door after my third failed attempt to woo my best friend and sweep him off of his feet. That's right you heard me, his, Harry Styles. Harry is one of the two best friends I've ever had and I am completely crazy for him.

Hold on I'm getting ahead of myself here, this entire mess started about two months ago when Harry, and I along with some of our friends Liam, Zayn, Niall and Niall's boyfriend Ed were at a carnival and Harry was too scared to go on the one of the larger roller coasters so of course me being the marvelous best friend that I am I decide that I am going to hold him through the entire damn thing... It went down like this


We stumbled, laughing out of the fun house the kind with the mirrors that always make you look like a fat ass when you look in them.

"Oh my god Louis, your hips looked huge in that mirror" Zayn choked out in between snorts of laughter. Harry arched an eyebrow "Yeah well your nose wasn't fairing the best either, Malik." We all busted into laughter Liam took a deep breath "Did you see Niall's quiff?" Zayn, Harry, Liam, and Ed laughed and I found that I wished that I had seen it just so I could tease Niall about it later, "yeah it was raised like four feet off of his head" Ed laughed, ruffling Niall's hair fondly. Niall scoffed and play hit him in the arm "you're my boyfriend you aren't supposed to agree with them!" Ed laughed again throwing one arm around Niall and the other around me "Calm down baby, you know I love you" and as always we watched Niall crumble under those words giving Ed a light kiss and a pouty demand to find him food 'like yesterday Eddie.' 

After we had eaten we decided it was roller coaster time (more like time to see who would throw up first) and we headed for the main part of the carnival.  That's when my life started getting confusing. We approached a ride called "The X Factor" (AN: That is a legit ride I've seen it) it pushed up to the top before shooting down at a steep angle, with an upside down loop on the end as a flourish. The ride, to me, looked like the most amazing thing ever but as we stood in the line I felt Harry tense up beside me, I looked up at him his emerald green eyes were narrowed and staring straight ahead, his jaw was tight, his knuckles were white from how hard his fists were clenched and his face was abnormally pale. I put my hand on his arm and pulled him off to the side "Harry, you ok mate? I haven't seen you this pale since you watched "The Wickerman" on Halloween." He looked me in the eye and in that moment I knew he wasn't fine, nowhere close, he was horrified, it was like looking into the eyes of an innocent child. "Haz man you look terrified" he clenched his jaw again "I don't think I can do this Louis"

"Don't chicken out on us Harry, it really isn't as bad as it looks" the northern draw was the familiar accent of my other best friend (and slight trouble maker) Maddie or Mads for short. I turned toward her voice, she was leaning up against the ticket booth her hazel eyes glistened with the challenge she was so clearly putting on the table and her unruly dirty blonde hair was pulled away from her face. She closed the distance between us hugging both Harry and I "Come on Harry I did it, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Ed are all doing it, I bet if you asked nice enough Louis would go up there with you and hold your hand the whole time" she threw a sly wink in my direction, she's always thought that Harry and I would end up together from the moment she met him 4 years ago and she wasn't about to let it drop now.

Harry looked at me and whispered as though hoping Maddie wouldn't hear "would you do that? I mean go up there with me that is?" I felt my smile tug at my mouth at the innocence and trust in his voice as he said that "of course I will Harry, are you sure you want to do this?" he nodded and then looked back at Mads "So you two going up together?" if Harry caught onto the implement in her words he didn't show it "yes we are" then he pulled me back to the line with more determination than I'd seen him move with in a long time there was nothing he enjoyed more that proving himself worth my friendship to the one person who'd been friends with me the longest.

When our turn came on the ride, the man buckled us in and Harry looked border lining on  a panic attack I took his hand in mine as the cart started to move "It's gonna be ok Hazza I'm here and I'm not gonna let anything happen to you" he nodded weakly then before I could stop him he buried his face in my shoulder and my whole life changed. I hate to say I had a sudden love epiphany but that's exactly what it was, I could feel Harry everywhere and all I wanted was to protect him so I wrapped my arms around him and held on tight for the rest of the exhilarating ride. When it was done I helped him down, not willing to take my hands off of him and if only he had noticed that time I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in right now.

AN: Ok so that's the first part I hope you guys liked it and vote and comment please!!!! It's the first attempt at writing something that isn't smut so I really want to know how I did :D thanks


Let's Play A Love Game *A Larry Stylinson fanfiction* *AU*Where stories live. Discover now