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After Harry left I got in my car and drove the short distance to Zayn's place. When I knocked on the door it was answered by his sister, Waliyha, she looked relieved to see me and worry plagued her face. "About fucking time you got here." She never cursed, that was strange "What's wrong?" I asked, my mind began to worry about Zayn "He's drunk and I don't just mean buzzed drunk...I mean he's smashed, I've never seen him this bad, he's angry and he's throwing things...Liam I'm scared" as she spoke I heard the thud of a door slamming and the shattering of glass, Waliyha winced "That's the fourth of mum's things he's broken in an hour...fix this please" she begged I didn't fully understand he'd been fine this morning. I nodded "Take your sister's and your mum and get out of the house...I'll deal with Zayn" she nodded and ran inside to grab Safaa and Doniya and they rushed past me into the car as Waliyha went to get Tricia.

Once they were safely in the car and driving away I walked into the house I could hear where he was, he was stomping around upstairs, slamming doors and shattering glass. I took a deep breath and headed up the stairs. When I found him he was halfway through another bottle of whiskey and the shattered remains of the previous bottle was on the floor...he heard me approach but he didn't turn around "I thought I told you women to stay in the kitchen and the fuck out of my way" there was so much anger in his tone but I wasn't afraid I mean this is Zayn not some random drunk on the street "When did you start to drink during the day...that's harder liquor than you usually drink too" he whirled around and when his eyes landed on mine I saw fury in them that was something I'd never seen before. "Liam....about time you showed up...too busy with the precious pretty boy twat today huh?" I didn't have to ask to know he meant Harry. I stepped forward "You know that he's my friend too I have to spend time with them Zayn...I love spending time with you you're my best mate but I do have other friends" I reached out to grab his arm and he jerked out of my grip and before I had even got a grip on what was happening Zayn slapped me...hard. "YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT" he screamed I put my hand to my face as the shock settled over me...my best friend just hit me and then called me and idiot and now he was stomping off to some other part of the house (I'm assuming the liquor cabinet) slamming and shattering everything in his way.

Once I had somewhat gathered my wit I followed him, I cornered him in the kitchen as he was digging out another bottle. I approached him quickly, feeling no fear and getting angrier by the second. I grabbed the bottle as he lifted it to his lips, hurling it across the room where it shattered against the wall, Zayn stared at me in shock so before he could get it together I grabbed him by his arm and began pulling him towards his room, about half way there he began to struggle, calling me every name he could think of and trying to get me to let go which wasn't working given just how drunk he was, but it was getting annoying so I stopped and scooped him up bridal style causing him to yelp in surprise "Liam what the fuck. Put me down you asshole" I ignored him and kicked open his door, kicking it shut behind me. I dropped him on his bed and sat down beside him he just glared at me. "You gonna tell me what crawled up your ass and died?" he huffed like a child and stuck his bottom lip out, it would have been adorable under different circumstances.

I sighed and scooted closer, wrapping one arm around his waist and the other around his back and pulled him closer so that he was rested against my body. "C'mon Z, tell me what's wrong, You were fine when I texted you this morning and I show up to hang out and you're drunk off of your ass and you're sisters are terrified. I lifted his chin so that he was looking at me but he refused eye contact "what's wrong?" I waited while he sorted out his thoughts "You're an idiot" he finally muttered sounding defeated I sighed "Yeah we established that...speaking of that why did you hit me?" he muttered something into my neck "What was that?" he pulled back to look at me the slight venom back in his eyes but along with a deeper emotion and a...playfulness? maybe.

Let's Play A Love Game *A Larry Stylinson fanfiction* *AU*Where stories live. Discover now