Izumi & ryoma

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Hey guys this is a mix of ships this first chapter is izumi and ryoma from lovestage! The next one will bc a misaki and usami one! So enjoy!!!!~ usagirawrs ( click the pick and slide for the omam song)

Izumi p.o.v.
I woke up and yawned. I hugged Ryoma who happened to be cuddled up by me. We fell asleep cuddling last night, we had an amazing night and im surprised we slept in the same bed tonight... Ryoma normally doesnt share a bed with me because he claims that sometimes he cant control himself around me which I find awfully weird,before we spend along time together. I graduated highschool and im heading to a manga editting school I hope itll be fun. I will learn a lot, I really wanna illustrate manga.... It has always been a dream. Even though im more famous then Ryoma at this point I just wanna be an illustrator. My parents are against it and Ryoma pretends to support it.
" good morning sweety"
I turned over and looked at his sweet smile. He pulled me in tight and hugged me. Ryoma's hugs did not last forever,even though I wish they did. Its like not even a million stars rocketing through the night sky can compare to the feeling of being loved by Ryoma. Hes gentle with me no matter what,and even after he found out I was a guy he couldn't get me off his mind. I tried to avoid him, but what can I say... He did attempt to rape me after all... " I love you" I whispered to Ryoma so quietly I doubt he heard it. I dont care if he heard it or not... It was true. And thats all that matters.
Ryomas p.o.v.
I looked at izumi and was confused. Did he say he actually loved me? He says it rarely... Hes only said it like 3 times now and we have been together 2 years now.
Why do I deny the heart thats growing colder? We are fading apart.. Its true... I cant accept it,but its true. I bet its that Takahashi guy he has been hanging out with! Nah.. Theres no way... WHAT IF IZUMI IS FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM!? " NOOOO!" I screamed not even realizing I yelled it. Izumi gave me a confused look.
" I have school today" he finally said as he got up.
" Oh, ok .. Tell takahashi-san I said hello" I said looking down. Izumi gave me a look. "You are so jealous you cant even hide it" He said with a chuckle. I blushed and rolled over. " He doesn't know about us... Because hes probably straight and I dont want to ruin our friend ship" Izumi said.
"I understand" I responded with a gloomy look. He cringed. " Dont give me a death stare!" Izumi screamed blusbing as he marched out the door. Oh he was already dressed... He must have dressed when we were talking.
Izumi p.o.v.
Misaki climbed out of a red car. Who is that gorgeous man in the front seat? Is Misaki wealthy?! WAIT THAT'S USAMI AKIHIKO! He writes BL novles!!! Like that Junjou stuff... What is Misaki doing with a guy like him? Im a huge fan.. Usami leaned over and kissed misaki and his face lit up. I blushed intensively. "Chu" Misaki responded. He looked over and screeched. " IZUMI ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" he said with watery eyes looking quite nervous. All I can do it laugh. He gave me a confused look. " I'm gay to,dont worry" I said with a smile. " IM NOT GAY .... USMAI IS JUST REALLY GIRLY SO LIKE... HES LIKE A CHICK" he said blushing alot. Usami smiled. HE SMILED?! Misaki makes this beautiful man smile?!

- time skip -
We headed up towards our 1st class of the day and Misaki just had to ask. " uh Izumi, are you dating any one?" he stuttered blushing. "Yea, actually I'm dating Ryoma the actor" I said with a sigh. Misaki blushed a bunch and looked really excited. "RYOMA IS MY FAVORITE ACTOR IN THE ENTIRE WORLD I WATCHED HIS MOVIE CALLED " watch dog" AND I WAS LAUGHING SO MUCH HES SUCH S GOOD ACTOR" he said with an excited expression clearly posted upon his face.
We walked in the building and sat in our seats... Its gonna be a long day..

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