Chapter 1

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Stiles POV

It was the summer before senior year and Stiles was in his room working, practicing a new levitation spell. He'd been studying with Deaton for the past week as his assistant, and as a small flex, learned to do magic on his own. He'd mastered the elements, and moved on to the more complex, spells. The ones that take a mental toll on the characters. Deaton, the only in who currently knows of his progress, commened that he learned fast.

Stiles is moving a chem book around the room, just from his desk to his bed, when he got a text. The 'Batman' alert plays loudly and scares the hell out of him, and the book lands with a loud 'thud'.

"What the hell was that?", Sherrif Stilinski calls.

" Uh... Nothing. Just dropped a book." He replys going to look at his phone to see a text from Scott.

Dude, pack meeting at Derek's at 10.

'About what' He think. There hadn't been anything going on- it was actually pretty quiet in the crazy ass town.

Kay b there in 5.

He jumps off the bed, gets dressed, and heads to his jeep. Stiles arrives at Derek's 6 minutes later than he originally told Scott. When he enters the loft, everyone looks at him expectantly and Derek just looks as mad as always.

"Your late", Derek says, looking bored as always.

Before he could even attempt to answer, Scott cuts in, saying, "And 10 minutes later than you said."

"Actually, it was 6." He states, earning giggles from Allison and Kira."So what joyful creature will put us in a life-or-death situation today. I mean has to be pretty badass for Chris to be here." He said, gesturing to the veteran hunter standing to the side if the room .

"Well if you count a coven of witches here sacrificing people as badass then yes I would say it is." Peter says.

Stiles paused, surprised. This is the first time they had the opportunity to deal with a magical enemy and not mythical one. "AWESOME!!" He yelled, probably, no, definitely a little too enthusiastic about their current situation.

"How is something that can wave a stick and blast fire at you awesome?" Isaac asks, looking at Stiles incredulously.

'Oh, right, haven't told them.' As Stiles stands silently, he continues to get weird looks from everyone in the room. "O-oh! ha y-ya know just uh w-witches man l mean h-hell yea." He tries to regain his composure, making various hand movements in the process.

"Come on Stiles it's obvious your lying so just tell us whatever it is so we can move on." Malia says as blunt as ever.

"Okay." He stressed awkwardly, dragging out the 'a'. Stiles walks around and sees a stack of books on the metal table everyone was around. He focuses on the hard cover on top of the stack and soon the book lifts off the table, being pulled towards him. Everyone stares as the book moves, silent looks between amazement, memorization, and disbelief being shared.

The book floats at a steady pace-since, even though he a quick learner, he's not exactly an A-plus student in levitation yet- until Scott yells, "How the fuck are you doing that?!" The sudden noise causes his concentration to waver and break, the book losing control of its planned course and flying at Derek and Chris, who barely dodge it.

"Oh god I'm so sorry." He quickly gets out before turning to look at Scott. "What the hell Scott? You can't yell while someone is doing something that requires more concentration that you do in a year!?"

"Well that was uncalled for. And I for one think we should be asking you that.", Lydia says, consoling Scott as he reels from his friends words.

"Yeah I agree, last I checked, you weren't exactly a contender for any schools of wizardry." Liam voices.

"I would also like to know.", Boyd says.

"Okay. Damn. For people who want me to talk, you sure as hell do most of the talking. And I've been training with Deaton to be an emissary." At that he lets his eyes change revealing the grayish silver that he personally line better than his own eyes. He then rolls up his sleeve, holding his arm out so they can see the black markings, akin to thick veins, appear. Then, if only as a small flex, fire ignites from his hand. Stiles makes sure tk maintain it for maybe 10 seconds before letting it vanish.

Nothing is said until Derek finally breaks the silence. "So can we get back to the magical beings that are actually killing?"

At that everyone starts back talking about the task at hand, although shooting me passing glances, and Stiles finds himself shooting a thankful look towards Derek that he returns with a nod.

The following meetings were spent looking at maps and talkig possible strategy. It took 3 days to come up with a plan of attack, only after 18 total hours of searching over the following weekend, they found out that the withches stay right outside of Beacon Hills in an abandoned house in the woods."Of course it's in the woods" He thought.

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