Chapter 2

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Finally came the day they were to attack the witches, and as per usual, a pack meeting was scheduled for later to prepare and go over the plan. Although, Stiles had his own way of preparation by practicing a healing spell with Danny and Jackson. He had originally invited Danny but apparently, they were a combo deal.

"So what do you want us to do?", Danny asked after Stiles had been looking through some books for .

"Well, I need Jackson to, if you can, just simply scratch Danny's arm." Stiles said with hesitation since Jackson might not want to do that to his boyfriend. "And I you can't I got this." He added, pulling a hunting knife out of his top drawer and unsheathing it.

"What? Why? And put the knife down, you idiot!" Jackson asked attempting to block Danny from Stiles with his body.

"The reason I invited you guys over in the first place- to practice healing. Why join him if you didn't know what was happening?" I say in an 'of course' kind of way.

"What if he bleeds out?" Jackson asked.

"Well, don't do it too deep." I said matter-of-factly.

"Come on Jackson, we came here to help. Well I did anyway." Danny said.

Jackson glared at Stiles and put out his claws. He placed them on Danny's arm, making sure to avoid any veins and keep his kanima venom at bay. Danny was calmer than a monk on morphine. When Jackson was done, there were three cuts down Danny's arm, each about two inches long. He was bleeding but it wasn't bad. Stiles went over and to grab his wrist but Jackson stopped him.

"Will it hurt him?" Jackson asked. Damn, he's more worried about Danny than Danny.

He sighed. "Well, if he moves, he could die or be paralyzed, but yes. It will hurt." Jackson gave him a 'wtf' face. "Oh please, you just sliced his arm open."

Stiles grabbed Danny's wrist and their faces instantly changed to ones of pain. After reciting the incantation, he let go. They all looked at Danny's arm and the scratches were healed without so much as a scar left.

"Wow. I actually didn't think that would work." Jackson said. Stiles laughed when Danny elbowed him in the stomach. Then he got a text from Erica.

Hey get ur ass here. Ur late

He look at the clock. Yep, the meeting started 7 minutes ago. 'Why am I always late for these things?'

Got it b there


When I get there bye



Damn it!


"What's up people?" Stiles said walking in after Jackson. Right time he closed the door, an arrow hits it. Stiles turns to see Scott holding a crossbow and Allison taking it from him.

"Sorry, Stiles, sensitive trigger." He said.

"It's good. I mean I'm still alive." He says, putting it off.

"Why are you late to every meeting we have?" Derek asked looking genuinely annoyed.

"On the contrary, I'm never more than 15 minutes late. Plus who does meetings this late?" He said walking towards the table.

"Stiles, it's 9:30." Peter states.

"Yeah, and I could be watching Arrow or Supernatural." Stiles crossed his arms.

"Okay I have Netflix, you can watch it later after we deal with the witches that are killing people!" Derek way shouting by the end of the sentence.

"Okay, good point." He say nodding. "but can I really watch your TV?" Derek just growls, flashing crimson irises. "Got it. So carry on."

Derek waits for a second to see if Stiles was done then started. "Okay so there'll be three groups. Chris' group will go first, then Peter's, then mine. Chris will have Jackson, Isaac, Erica,and Liam. Peter will have Brett, Lydia, Kira, and Boyd. I'll have Scott, Malia, Allison, and Cora." I realize that he didn't put me to a group " Me and Peter guess there are at least four of them- at least- and be careful and lets get some witches." At that they got ready and Allison got her bow, Chris his guns, Lydia a crossbow. "Alri-"

"I think you forgot to put me in a group." Stiles interrupted.

"No I didn't, your not going." He said like it was obvious.

"Uh, hell yeah I am. I learned how to do a healing spell. I've basically been training for this shit. I mean it's magic versus magic. I'll be a hell of a more help than claws and teeth, that you have to get up close and personal to use. You'll be dead before you get two feet within them. Me on the other hand can do things that none of you can do. Isaac says they can throw fire, well I can reflect it or block it and throw it right back. I'm not defenceless Derek."

Derek looks at everyone, who look pretty convinced that he should go, then looks back at me. "Fine you'll be with me. Now, come on, we're wasting time"

"Thank you."

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