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This is Heliodor. I created her about a month ago.
Her gemstone is located on her lower back
She's a tough gem created by Homeworld to serve Yellow Diamond for military and combat, originally supposed to take the place of most Quartz's however she's the last of her kind, because all the others were smashed after proving to be utterly useless and highly defective.
The other Heliodors were broken because they lost too much concentration and failed to function properly when being mistakes for a similar, yet weaker gem known as Topaz. The loss of focus caused them to loose battles.
Heliodor managed to hide away on Earth with the other Crystal Gems for a while before deciding it was too risky for her to stay at the temple and wandered off to an unknown destination on Earth.
Her weapon is a flaming sword that hold 'the power of the sun'. It cuts, and it leaves nasty burns causing double the damage.
Her personality:
She's Egotistical, yet responsible for herself and others. She's compassionate, intuitive, courageous,  and ready for anything.
Special powers:
She's an excellent shapeshifter
She can pass on her compassion, intuition, courage, or impulse onto anyone, however not all at once and only for short periods of time 

I could continue on her bio but I don't want to at the moment.

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