Asuma Sarutobi x F Reader |Stormy Love| [NSFW]

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"Fire style! Burning ash!" you shouted while attempting to blow a cloud of smoke from your mouth. However, only a small puff of smoke clouded the air...

"Damnit! I've been trying to master this jutsu for two weeks now and I still can't get it!" you pouted to yourself, growing frustrated. 

You were a jonin-ranked ninja, but you had been temporarily training under Asuma Sarutobi in hopes of mastering the burning ash technique. When you originally agreed to train under him, he informed you that it'd be a difficult jutsu to learn, but you figured you could handle it. 

You had been training by yourself in the meadow for a few hours now and you were getting too tired and flustered to continue. You knew that you wouldn't be able to master any jutsu if you continued as you were now. 

"I think I'll just stop for today" you sighed. 

 ~Time Skip~ 

The next morning, you were eager to begin training again. As you headed toward your usual training spot, you noticed a piece of folded paper taped to a tree with your name written on it. You looked to the left, then to the right to see if anyone was around who could have planted this here. No one seemed to be around, so you just tore the note off of the tree trunk and unfolded it. 

"(Y/N): Come by my place tonight and we can practice using the burning ash jutsu together. I saw how hard you were working yesterday, and I wanted to help you out. Hope you can make it. See you then. -Asuma"

Folding the note back up into its original form, you tucked it in your pocket and wondered 

"Was he really watching me yesterday without me realizing it? Man, what a creep" you chuckled. 

You had known Asuma for a long time and you came to recognize his behaviors, so you weren't too surprised to find out that he was watching you train. That was probably just his way of checking on your progress...

 ~Time Skip~ 

It was about 9:00pm when you arrived at Asuma's front door. Instead of your normal training clothes, you were wearing a black tank top with black leggings. Your usual training clothes were being washed, and this was the only outfit you had on hand. You knocked a few times and waited patiently for him to open the door. A few seconds later and you heard footsteps.

Asuma peaked his head out and gave a closed eye smile with a "Hello, (Y/N). I didn't think that you were going to show up". 

You rubbed the back of your head and replied "Sorry, but I had some things to take care of and I couldn't come until now. I hope that's okay". 

No, it's fine. Come on in" she said as he gestured you to enter. 

Walking inside, you took a look around his home. It was a smaller home, but cozy. It seemed to be a place where someone could live comfortably by themselves. It wasn't until now did you notice that he wasn't wearing his normal jonin uniform, either. But rather, a plain black T-shirt and casual pants. His shirt was tight-fitting and made his muscular upper body quite visible. You blushed at the sight. 

"I see you and I both had the same idea when it came to outfits" you laughed with a hand up to your face. 

"Hm? Oh. Yeah. I'm sorry if I don't look very professional, but I thought that this outfit would be better for tonight" he said with a rather sinister tone...? 

 "So, what are you going to help me with? Since you were watching me yesterday, you must have caught sight of what I was doing wrong" you asked, excited to get started. 

 ~Time Skip~ 

You and Asuma trained for a good two hours out in his back yard in the moonlight when the skies turned a nasty shade of black and grey with a mixture of thunder and lightning. There was going to be a big storm coming. The both of you headed back inside the home. 

Asuma Sarutobi x F Reader |Stormy Love| [NSFW]Where stories live. Discover now