Chapter 1

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Stars. That's all you ever see in space. The Dark, with little shiny lights, flickering in the sky. Mitch how ever saw it differently, he only saw just darkness, not knowing where to go. Scared for his life, he shut his eyes and only saw Jerome. So he only looked at his diary, all his secrets remained in that little book. Herobrine came in with only silence, staring at his only little friend looking at him back. "Look I'm sorry about what I said before" said Herobrine. Mitch looked back at the window, with no reply back. "I knew how much he meant to you, even tho you guys met for a short amount of time" Herobrine continued.
"I wanna go home" said Mitch back. Herobrine gasped silently
"Why?" asked Herobrine. He knew why, but he just wasn't sure if it was the right decision.
"Because, it's been too long, not seeing The Pack, our family, and who knows Jess probably cheated on me by now" replied Mitch. Herobrine never thought he hear that answer. But it came out of Mitch's Words. "Okay, I'll take you home" said Herobrine. Mitch looked up and hugged him hard, knowing that this was gonna be the last time they see each other. Mitch had sudden tears after the hug, so did Herobrine "I'll be back, one day" said Herobrine. Mitch nodded sadly, and shut his eyes. He opened em again, only he was back in his bed. Back in Pennsylvania, looked like he was home. He opened the door, and walked out, went downstairs and saw a girl, making pancakes. "Hello?" Mitch said . She turned around, it was Marley, his sister.
"Hey, it's been.. a really long time" she said
"It has been, I'm sorry" Mitch said back. She ran over to Mitch and hugged him. Connor and Kyleigh ran back in laughing and giggling, they both saw Mitch, with no words. Connor took one step forward "Is it really?"
Mitch nodded. Connor ran, knocking Mitch down. Mitch stood him and Connor back up, still with the remains of the hug kept going. Kyleigh joined the hug, Marley took the pancakes out and joined as well.

The front door opened, it was there Step Dad. "Oh who's this kids?" he asked. The 4 of em got up "Oh Dad, this is uh, our brother Mitch". The Step Dad put his hand down after he heard that name, "Wait Herobrine's Kid?" he asked
"Yeah I am" replied Mitch.
"Mark my words, but you did grow, it's been so long, I don't think we met, but i have been watching you ever since you got adopted from the villagers" he said
"What?" asked Mitch
"Hi, I'm Witch" he said. Mitch knew that name, and looked at his face, everything was so  familiar about him. Witch hugged Mitch and kissed the top of his head "It's so nice to finally see you again, and don't worry, no one will ever, ever, ever find you". Mitch was worried, and nervous to be around him, but he must have know more stuff about his father and maybe his mother.

Back in Texas, Preston drank morning coffee at his favorite coffee shop, someone tapped behind him. It was Rob. "ROB, It's you?!?!" Preston said smiling
"Yeah, it's been a really long time bro" said Rob back. They hugged. Preston and Rob talked about what happened with each other and how things were.
"So uh, how do you think Jerome and Mitch are doing in space" asked Rob, Preston stopped, he didn't say a word, but he continued drinking his coffee. Rob looked deep into Preston's Eyes, Preston was still look on the top of his mug and said nothing
"Is there something you're not telling me?" asked Rob suspiciously. Preston nodded, he was wide eyed. Preston gulped hard a one point when he was drinking his coffee, it burned his throat. Rob was worried about MItch and Jerome, he didn't think about calling em, because he thought about how you can't get service up there. So he decided to call Vikk.

Vikk was in the deep parts of Sheffield, it's a place somewhere down in Northern England. Vikk was working on some weapons, and inventions. He was writing down potions and notes, there was music playing all around him. Rob tried calling Vikk, but he didn't hear the phone ringing over the music. After 10 times of trying to call him, he decided to call Lachlan. Lachlan was down in Australia, he was riding in his hoverboard and looking at his pet fish, he heard the phone ringing. "Hello, Lachlan speaking" said Lachlan with a positive attitude
"Hey Man! It's Me Rob" said Rob exciting into the phone
"Ayyy Rob a Dlob Flob" said Lachlan. They both giggled. After a few hours of talking, laughing, and understatement. Lachlan ate a bag of chips while speaking to Rob, and Rob was driving back to Preston's place after getting Preston and himself some food. Preston was probably recording or talking with Pete and Matt, some other friends of his. As Rob was driving he saw someone looking at him through the other window before, he put down his window, the other person had his window up. Lachlan kept repeating "Hello? Rob? Hellllo?"
"Yeah sorry dude, so guy or some person was looking at me, or I probably was imagining it" said Rob backed paranoid.
"You're that worried huh?" said Lachlan said giggling. Rob smirked.

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