Chapter 2

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"Fuck" I screech, throwing my phone across the room. That probably cracked my screen but I couldn't care less. Why the hell is my phone always so freakin' slow?! It's frustrating. When I tried to send Harry a message it doesn't wanna go through.

Harry and I have been hanging out a lot now a days. Turns out he's basically a loner and he feels like I'm his only friend. Well at least he thinks he has no friends. The girls are basically drooling over him. Its funny looking at their expressions when I walk past them with Harry.
They clearly jealous.

One chick even had the nerve to come up to me. She was all like, "Stay away from Harry. You got no chance with him. Your gay for fucks sakes." And I was like "If I didn't have a chance, why is he hanging out with me and not you? And besides he don't do hoes" then I walked away. My god I think I slayed that bitch.

"Honey! Dinner's ready" my mother yelled from downs stair.

"Coming!" I groaned pulling myself out of bed to see a cracked phone on the floor.

"Wow. Isn't that just amazing" I mumbled. It's not that big of a deal though. That was only and iPhone 6. Note the sarcasm...

I made my way downstairs and tripped  and nearly face planted the group when I go to the bottom. What the heck is up with me?

The smell of food immediately filled my senses  coursing me to nearly throw up. When my mom makes food its always the shittiest tasting vegetarian crap.

When I walked into the kitchen I was right. We were having fake mince and pasta. That shiz tasted like plastic. I made my way to the table preparing myself for whats gonna happen next.

She says its healthier to be vegetarian because she doesn't eat all that nasty processed food. Umm... Objection! Your fake mince has been through more processing that normal meat! (I don't mean to offend any vegetarians xxx)

I quickly stuff the disgusting food into my mouth and when I'm done I make my way back up to my room without excusing myself.

As soon as I get into my room my phone vibrates. I walk up to it and pick it up from the floor. I read the caller ID to see who's phoning. In bold the name I've been dying to see for some strange reason eliminates the screen.



This is beyond suckish lol but I had to put something in and I had to update :D so anyways I hope you liked it...if you did ur amazing and I love you xxx

3 comments & 2 vote?? Pls it means a lot and encourages me to write

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