First Day

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I started to run up the stairs to the DWMA late cause Kat turned off my alarm clock and forgot to wake me up. Once I finally reached the topic the stairs I was out of breath. 'Damn there's a lot of stairs...' I thought once I looked up I saw two guys standing there. One had silver hair and red looking jeans with a yellow and white jacket. 'Well that's not very colored coordinated' I thought and the other guy had on all black on and has sky blue hair. And he was yelling at the top of his lungs that he was the best. I took one step and the guy with silver hair looked up at me. "So your the student that everyone was been talking about" he said I just stood there for a minute and said "yea I guess so but why are you sitting out here?" I said and just as I thought the guy with sky blue hair yelled "CAUSE IM GONNA SHOW YOU THAT YOU CANT JUST WALK UP HERE AND BE THE NEXT BIG THING!!" He said I took couple of steps towards him only leaving about five feet between us "oh really I would like to see you try" I said and stepped back a couple of feet to get ready. Then the guy with sliver hair run up to him in and turned into a death scythe. "Nice but I don't think you would stand a chance against me" I said. Once I said that I started to expand my soul wave length and my 3Dmg (attack on Titan) came and I dropped to the ground looking at them. Then they started to run up and I quickly moved hitting them with one of my perfectly symmetrical swords. They fell to the ground and quickly got back up facing me. I drew my swords so the blade was facing them. They run back towards me but I hit them before they could doing anything causing them to tumble to the ground. I put my swords back causing my weapon to disappear. "I would like to finish this but I'm going to be late" I said and walked into the perfectly symmetrical building.

As I walked in the halls I looked around and it seems like everything is symmetrical. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going cause the next thing I knew I was on the ground. "Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going..." I said. There was an arm reached out and I gladly accepted it. I was pulled up and saw the person I ran into. He had golden eyes and was almost perfectly symmetrical. "It's ok I haven't seen you around before are you new?" I have to say he was kinda cute. 'Snap out of it Roe you just met the guy!' You thought to your self. "Yea I'm new here I was trying to look for Lord Death" you said. "Ok I'll take you there if you want?" He asked and I smiled and nodded my head. As we were walking down the hallway looking around it seems like this school is very..... Perfect. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard the obnoxious voice again. "THERE SHE IS LETS GET SOUL!" He said. I just looked at them blankly not really caring. "Do you want me to take them on for you?" The guy said. "No I'm fine I can do it I already did it before" I said. They ran at me and I moved to the side letting them run past me. "Are they always like this?" I said and ran up to them while my weapon appeared. And before they could anything I hit both of the in the chest. My weapon disappears and I walk back to the kid. "Oh I never got your name" I said. "I'm Death the kid but just call me kid" he said. "I'm Roe" I said as we continued our way to Lord Deaths room.

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