Life of a Mental

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                                                       Mount Hope Physchiatric Hospital July 23rd , 2013.

After my break down I was taken to a mental home. I honestly don't know what exactly happen that night all I was told is I had a major break down & I'd be away for awhile. 

All I know for sure is I dont belong here with these crazy people. Im just weird that's all I dont need help but these people do , and it sucks watching them suffer knowing I just have something i could control I put my mind to it but I rather not get Beauty mad I'll be in more trouble than i am now.

One good thing about being here is I made a friend or shall I say "Beauty" made a friend  . Her name is Justice but , before she got Schizophrenia she was a dancer plus she's got a pretty bad case of it to , but she's an awful great friend when she's not trying to kill people or saying someone is telling her things to do. 

Lately she's gotten the idea that whatever is speaking to her is telling us a way to escape . Poor kid but just for her enojyment I'll go along to see if the plan actually works. Its been exactly 2 weeks since she told me the plan we had gotten our stuff packed and food stored for this day to leave the hell hole.

Tonight was the right night i was sick of getting injected with neddles everyday because they said " I was acting up " for one im not a child to be getting talk to like that . So it was about time to leave. 

In my room there was a window close to a highway so for those two weeks we've been slowly unscrewing it from around the way for the escape. Today i unscrewed the last screw .

I hadn't been outside since the break down they said i supposely had . So the fresh air hitting my face felt like heaven I mean it almost felt like heaven till Little Miss Schizophrenia had panick attack in the middle of my room and the nurses burst the door down to inject her with a needle of medication that would calm her down.

My Heart was beating rapidly as a butterflys wings I was stuck at what to do but i knew for sure i wasn't gonna stay here longer with these thumbsuckers and nuts  for getting caught trying to escape. with all the sudden action happening Beauty kinda taken over half way if that understandable . 

" I guess your the opening act huh " she said in a question down raising her eyebrow , tapping our newly painted nails on the desk making them " click and clack ". For sure none of the nurses in the room knew what was going through my head Hell i hardly knew what was happening all i knew is things were gonna get bad and BAD FAST.

No one had actually knew what my ego was capable of all they were given was small details of what actually happened. They were about to get a Hell of an awakening of what beauty was gonna do. She squinted her eyes at the confused nurses reading the looks of their faces smirking to make them even more confused.

" Mhm well you guys won't be able to see the opening act I have better things to do adios puta's " Beauty threw up a peace sign and climbed out of the window without a complaint . I swear if it was this easy from the start i would have already done this 

But im guessing their were more important things to do because it seems as two other mental victims were also trying to escape. One had a big afro with a bandana around his head shooting the needles that the nurses usually had at the guards. The other had a short faded hair cut seems not so bad as Afro Puff he was just sitting there hiding behind him. The way this guy had skills at aiming I needed him to get outta this place and not get caught .

Hopefully he would get outta this first so I could get somewhere further away from here 


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