Chapter 23

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"What do you mean?" I asked in a cold voice, trying to make it sound manly enough.

"You know exactly what I mean," he told me.

"No, I don't. Enlighten me, please," I told him deepening my voice into a boyish one yet again.

"First of all, cut it out," he told me.

"Cut out what?" I asked confused about what he was asking me.

"Cut out the attempt of faking your voice, it may have me fooled once but that's not going to happen again," he answered.

"You still didn't answer my question though. I had asked you what you meant," I stated.

He let out a sigh of frustration.

"I know it is you- the one who fought amazingly, the one who disguised right now, the one I talked to at the park.. I know it's you," he said closing his eyes.

I glanced over at Jace to see him with his head hung low. I didn't say anything for a while, trying to let everything that happened sink into my mind.

"Ashley, Alvin, Ash, and the so-called Roxy are all the same," Jace finally whispered.

I sent him a death glare that shut him up and I could see him shudder a bit at the cold look I gave him. If looks could kill, both of them would be a good six feet under the ground- scratch that, maybe fifteen feet under.

"Now that you know who I am, you're going to keep this a secret or I'm going to kill you both- literally," I told them, half-lying since I don't think I'd want to go to jail in this age. I'd can't leave Dylan and dad alone to fend for themselves in a time like this..

'Ugh! What's wrong with me? Why do I turn everything like that into serious talk?' I thought to myself before getting out of his loose grip and finally out without anyone stopping me this time.

I may have been feeling confident but when I realized I was thirty minutes late to class without any reason- I may have backed off from the plan to get to class.

Instead, I went back into the janitor's closet because I couldn't go into the washroom ( I can't stand going into the boy's washroom- so no, that was definitely off the list!)  and there was no girl's bathroom in this hell of a place.

I was praying to god that those two idiots won't be there. As I was just about to enter, a voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Mr. Alvin! What do you think you're doing there?" boomed the principal.

Oh. My. Freaking. God! I officially hate my life now...

"Yes, sir?" I asked innocently.

"Office. Now," he said pointing at his door before I groaned and followed him in there.

He opened the door and in there sat the two people I despised more than anyone at the moment and was willing to rip their throats out.

You guessed it! The two idiots.. Aiden and Jace.

I rolled my eyes as I sat beside them since I had no choice.

"Now, can anyone explain what you were doing skipping class?" the principal asked leaning front and crossed his on his desk.

I glared at the both of them so hard- since it was their fault I got into trouble- but none of them dared to look at me, knowing that I'd probably have a deadly expression on.

"We.. we were-" Aiden stammered.

"One week detention." he simply stated.

Okay, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be..

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