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"TASIE?! ARE YOU READY?!" I heard my Mum shouting up the stairs. I sighed as I scrutinised my reflection.

I was dressed in a black, floor length bodycon gown, with a thin halter-neck, and cutouts along my sides. A little slit up the one leg made the black heels on my feet visible, as well as the sparkly anklet on my left foot. My blonde hair was curled, with half of it pinned back, the other half framing my face, and my makeup was all subtle, with a slight smoky eye.

"Yeah." I called back, turning around and grabbing my black clutch bag as I walked out of the room.

Standing in the hallway of my house were my grandparents, my parents, my ten year old sister, Daisy, and my twenty-eight year old brother, Lucas, with his wife, Hannah, and their three year old, Beth. Everyone smiled when they saw me.

"Oh, Tasie. You look gorgeous." Mum sniffled slightly, and I giggled, pausing on the bottom step so Mum and my Grandma could both take pictures of me.

It took a good hour to get through the ridiculous traffic, and make it to the town hall, which had been completely made over and done up for this event. My family went inside to sit with all the other families, whilst I went and stood with all the other people who were getting Matched today.

Once I was registered and sat down, the Mayor walked onto the stage, and spoke into the podium.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." He said. "Before we begin with the Matchmaking, let us first remember why we're here." He cleared his throat and I rolled my eyes slightly. "In a world corrupted by divorce, and adultery, the UN Government passed the 1936 Arranged Marriage Act. This consists of a worldwide match-making operation, where once a person wishes, they apply for their Match. And that is why you are all here. Because all of you are going to get matched tonight!" He said, and my stomach churned. I was terrified.

"So let's begin!"

An hour later, and the hall was starting to empty out, most of the people already having been Matched.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special guest here tonight." The Mayor said, "Here to choose his Match, everyone please welcome Harry Styles!!"

"What?!" I mumbled to myself, a hysteric giggle escaping my lips, as several girls in the room went crazy. He walked onto the stage, and licked his lips. I know. He fucking licked his lips. His lovely hand disappeared inside the glass bowl, and when he'd found a name, he cleared his throat before he read it out.

"Anastasia Parker!" He said. I gasped. That's my name. That's me!!! I grinned, shaking my head in disbelief as I walked towards the stage. I ascended the small steps and approached Harry.

When I reached him, I was so intimidated by his beauty, I very nearly ran out the hall. Oh my God, he's just so... He's an alien. No human can look as good as him I swear. His hair, his longish curly hair, and that black bandana holding it all back. And his suit! The black trousers that hugged his bum so nicely, and the white shirt that was so nearly transparent I could see his tattoos through it, and the bow-tie. Yeah. He wore a bloody bow-tie. It was black, and loosely done up and should have made him look ridiculous but so didn't. He smiled at me, and I swear I nearly fainted.

"Hey." He said, dimples popping out as he gently took my hand and kissed it. I took deep breaths to calm my palpitating heart, cleared my throat quietly and then spoke.

"Hi." I said, sighing in relief when I didn't squawk or something terrible like that. Still holding my hand, Harry led me gently offstage, and into the wings, where a stagehand congratulated us, before we walked outside to meet my family.

When they eventually came out, I saw my Mum was crying.

"Mum oh my God what's wrong?!" I asked, hugging her tightly.

"I'm just so happy for you!!" She sobbed, and everyone laughed.

"Thank you, Mum." I giggled, kissing her cheek before going back to stand by Harry.

"Harry, this is my Mum, Melissa, my Dad, Mitch, my Grandma, Sue, my Grandad, Richard, my brother, Lucas, my sister-in-law, Hannah, my sister, Daisy, and my niece, Beth. Everyone, this is Harry." I said.

"Pleasure to meet you all." Harry said, hugging all my family, except for Beth, who was spark out in her Dad's arms.

"Harry, you're welcome to stay at our house tonight, or for as long as you like, really." Dad said, and Harry smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Parker. I'd like that." He said.

"Hey." My Dad said, pointing playfully at Harry. "There's no Mr and Mrs with us. Call me Mitch." He said, and Harry smiled as he nodded. He looked down at me.

"I'll give you a lift back? I need directions." He said, and I nodded.

"Sure." I said. I turned to my family. "I'll see you back home." I said, before walking to the black sports car that was obviously Harry's. Like a true gentleman, he held the passenger door open for me, and I giggled as I thanked him, sitting down and strapping myself in as Harry shut the door and walked around to the driver's side, sliding in next to me.

"Listen, Anastasia-"

"Just, call me Tasie." I said, and then apologised for interrupting him.

"Oh, sorry. Tasie, um, our relationship is gonna be really unconventional. There's absolutely nothing I can do about that, it's just my job, and I'm really sorry-"

"Harry, calm down. It's okay. I understand, it's fine. Don't worry." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder, rubbing it slightly to attempt to remove the pained expression he had on his face. He sighed.

"But it's not fair on you, really." He said, and I shook my head.

"Harry, you're my Match, and this is your job. It doesn't matter to me what that entails." I said, and he nodded, smiling weakly.

My family had beaten us home, which was good because I didn't have a key. Harry grabbed a black suitcase from the boot and dragged it behind him, following me into the house.

Only my parents and Lucas were still up when Harry and I walked into the living room. We both sat down on the free sofa, and I curled my legs under myself as I faced Harry.

"You'd better look after her man, fucking hell." Lucas said, after a few minutes of comfortable silence, shaking his head, and Harry smiled.

"Of course I will." He promised my family.


"Make yourself at home Harry." I said, as I unpinned my hair, letting it flow down past my shoulders, and then brushed through it. Harry put his bag down by my chest of drawers, and then slipped off his black leather shoes. He went and stood by my bed, bending his legs.

"No no Harry don't!" I warned him, but it was too late, as he jumped onto the bed, or rather through the bed. There was an almighty crunching sound, and suddenly Harry was lying between the folded up mattress, hanging through the dip in the bed. I bent over double, screaming with laughter at him as he lay there, trying to figure out what had happened.

"Shit! Tasie I broke your bed!" He said, rolling off it.

"It's- okay!!" I heaved out. I cackled again, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Sorry. That was just brilliant." I said, still giggling. I lay down and then slithered under the bed, putting the slats back onto the bed frame, and then slithered back out.

"My Dad made the bed himself." I explained. "Bit temperamental." Harry chuckled, and then sat slowly back down on it, watching as I took my makeup off. He stood up.

"Where's your bathroom. I need to strip." He winked at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Just do it in here, unless you actually need to get naked. If so, you're not sleeping in my bed." I giggled, and Harry smiled. I turned away from him respectfully and continued brushing my hair as he took his suit off, sliding under my covers in just his boxers.

About ten minutes later, and my makeup was off and my hair was down. I turned around to inform Harry I was getting into bed, only to find him fast asleep. I smiled softly, and turned the main light off, instead switching the table lamp on. I quickly changed into an oversized black t-shirt and drew the curtains, and then slid in next to Harry, turning off the light as I went.

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