Q&A 2

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This is my second question set so....
The picture also has nothing to do with the page lol.
The Rules:

You must post these rules.

You must tag 13 people(I'm too lazy)

You must post 13 facts about yourself. (Also too lazy)

You have to answer the 13 questions posted, and create 13 more.(My questions are on the page before this one)
"I don't do tags" is unacceptable.

Tag backs are allowed.

You must complete the tag within a week, or the tagger will remind you.

Be creative with the questions.
1. On a scale of one to ten, how much are you?(Answering ONE is unacceptable)
Eh. 3.
2. If the sky is blue and you are blue then what is blue?(Answering BLUE is invalid, as is Sky and You)
Blue is a primary color along with red and yellow.
3. How awesome is Grey Bead?(answering anything NEGATIVE is invalid)
NO clue what that is, anyway next question.
4. Kiss marry kill, (hoping you know all these people...): Stan Lee, Sheldon Cooper and Sebastian Stan( Killing Sheldon Cooper, Stan Lee or Sebastian Stan is invalid) (jk)
Umm i kiss Stan Lee, marry Sebastian Stan cuz he's bae and not old, and kill Sheldon Cooper ( I don't watch the Big Bang Theory sorry also I love killing people)
5. If 1+2+2+3+3+3=(7 x 2-10) + (3sq + 1)
Then what is te answer divided by 2 +9?
I feel like I'm doing someone's homework so imma done
6. Where do you wish you were now? Somewhere warm.
7. How much is much if I took away that much but not much of that much?
Much of that much but not much is how much.
8. On a scale of 1-100 how happy are you with your life now?
Like... 23.
9. If you could eat ONE thing forever what would it be?
10. Which team for Civil War?
11. Would you rather be a chocolate bar or a Brussel Sprout?
A Brussel sprout because I would have a longer life.
12. ARE you a chocolate bar or a Brussel sprout?
13. Your mom?
Your mom.
THANKS TO @usernamelikenoother FOR NOMINATING ME

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