9% (the start of time)

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Four years and four months ago, a thought occurred to me. Time.

Something that goes on every second, we've gotten so used to it that we don't even notice it. However, we depend on it so much. How do we plan things? Time. When was she born? 4:30 AM. Time. Such a horrible concept.

And it's not even a thing! Believe that! It is just a concept that everyone goes with. It's not actually a thing. Supposedly, everything is endless. No beginning, no end.

Let's start with the universe. Apparently, there's no start to when it came to be. The Big Bang? God? So many theories, so little truth. But do we know which one is right? No, we don't.

The universe is a great example. As scientists say, there's no real end to it. It just goes on and on and on and on and we are on a rock, our lives depending on a ball of fire and gases and our lives are at stake any second. But we have no significance. We are just here and it doesn't matter. We don't matter. Yet we still have each other, and we go on as if we actually are important. We aren't.

It's almost un-fathomable. But just picture it- first, there's the sun. Got it so far? Wonderful. Alright- next, imagine a bunch of little rocks forming an ovelish shape around the sun. Still with me? Okay,this part is a little hard; now imagine those rocks spinning around that sun in a bunch of different speeds. And while they are spinning around that sun, they're also rotating around an axis. You know, as they spin around the sun. And all of us here on Earth think we are important. Ha.

What are we doing here? There's no actual purpose for any of us.

Seriously. There's a bunch of planets in the galaxy. It doesn't matter if we are here or not. There's still going to be planets. We are just here by chance.

Here's another thing to picture: no time. No time at all. Can you even imagine? Just think about talking to your friend; oh hey, Megan. Yeah, let's meet when the sun is about 34° in the sky if you're facing north.

Planning would be so difficult. Everything would be difficult. How would you know how long you were in the shower? How long you slept for? Especially when all throughout the year the amount of sunlight per day changes every month.

What if weekdays didn't have names? What if months didn't exist? Oh my, just imagine how crazy we'd be.

Every year we pass our death dates unknowingly. But that date doesn't actually exist, it's just the earth rotating. But for a second, let's pretend days and years and weeks and months are actually a thing. Every single year we pass the day we are going to die. It's crazy, to think, honestly.

Oh, one last thought: it's possible to die without seeing all of the times on a clock. I may die without seeing 4:12am on a clock. Yes, I've lived through it, but I've never seen or acknowledged it. That's also crazy.

We made up the idea of "time" to keep ourselves from going insane. But running out of time and being so obsessed has, unfortunately, made us all eccentric. But we don't notice. In fact, we're our own burden. Oh, but we don't care.

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