Chapter One

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Disclaimer: This story is super old and some parts were written very poorly. Enter at your own risk lol. For my more recent writing, check my profile or my AO3 account: SM_Yennik

Especially if you ship Thiam! I'm currently working on an angsty slowburn fic for those two :)

Thanks, and stay safe friends


"I still don't trust him," Stiles snapped. "Don't you think it's just a little funny how he comes back as everything falls to shit again?"

"Stiles, " Scott said. "just give him a chance."

"What if Theo is behind all this," Stiles said. "and next time instead of somebody like Traci being killed, It's Kira. Or me,"

"Theo doesn't have anything to do with this, stiles," Scott replied. "Whats wrong with you dude? Just give him a chance. Just one,"

"Wait," Stiles said "Do you even talk to him outside of school?"

"through text -" Scott started.

"Exactly, nobody knows where he goes or what he does," Stiles said. He rubbed his chin absentmindedly and paced back and forth. "He could be like, cute schoolboy by day and psychopathic murder by night,"

"Did you just call him cute?" Scott joked. "Is he your type?"

"No!" Stiles said, an idea already formed in his mind. "I mean, I'll talk to you tomorrow scott,"

"Stiles," Scott started but before he could say anymore, stiles walked out of the classroom. He sighed and rubbed his forehead. Stiles could be such a pain sometimes.

seven PM that day, Stiles sat in the bleachers waiting for the lacrosse game to finish so he could follow Theo home - or too wherever else he happen to go. Like his dad had said, if someone is trying to hide something, they will always slip eventually.

He watched as Theo scored another shot and their team cheered. 20 minutes left was on the timer.

he is pretty hot...Stiles thought to himself. When he called Theo cute earlier, he hadn't even realised but damn, he was cute.

As if sensing Stiles' thoughts, Theo looked up, picked Stiles out of the crowd, and smiled. One of his adorable half-smirks that made Stiles want to smile back or kiss him. Theo now pulled up the bottom of his shirt and wiped his forehead with it which revealed his chest. Stiles started sweating- was it hot out or was it just him?

With his cover being blown, he climbed down the bleachers and into the locker room. It smelled like sweat and mold but maybe Theo had something in his locker that proved his wicked intentions. He found the locker quick, it was farther away from the others and wasn't locked.

He pulled out Theo's bag and immediately began sifting through it. The first thing he found was Theo's phone. It was locked but Stiles opened it with his first guess - the pass code was 1234.

He opened Safari and looked through Theo's history which made Stiles laugh and blush awkwardly. The listing ranged from GAYpornhub . com to HotGAYplay . com and had other things mixed in like "How do I get him to notice me" and "I'm falling for a straight guy" all on some gay teen forum. Stiles felt a stab of guilt - He knew how it felt to like someone who didn't like you back.

"What are you doing?" Theo shouted from the locker room door. He ran up to Stiles and snatched his phone away. His face was red with embarrassment.

"What are you doing here?" Stiles shouted back pretending he was angry too, trying to mask his guilt.

"I had to pee!" Theo yelled.

"Yah, and I had to make sure you're not evil!" Stiles shouted again.

Theo rubbed his hands down his face. "Fuck," he moaned.

"I'm just trying to find out if we can trust you," Stiles said casually. He got up and moved away from the locker. "I guess...I guess I'll see you later,"

"Wait, you can search through my bag," Theo said. "If it really means that you will be one step closer to trusting me," He did that cute half smirk again made stiles look away.

Stiles walked back over to the bag and look at Theo before searching it again. He moved some dirty gym clothes around until he found a bottle of lube which he quickly slapped away- and one of Theos Jock straps. Stiles paused and looked at it before shoving that away too with shaky hands.

"You're the one who wanted to search it," Theo said awkwardly. "Just like you searched my phone. Did you see what I think you saw?"

"Yah, a lot of gay porn," Stiles laughed as he searched through the pockets of one of Theo's pairs of jeans.

"You can't say anything," Theo whispered. "Please,"

"Why would I force you out of the closet? I'm not even-" Stiles stopped before he finished. He hadn't meant to say so much.

"you're not what?" Theo asked. He crouched next to stiles over his bag and he didn't seem so upset.

"I'm not an asshole," Stiles said.

"Thats not what you were gonna say," Theo said. "You're not straight?"

Stiles froze and clenched his fist.

"If you say anything, to anyone you're dead. Not to Scott, Lydia, ANYONE," Stiles snapped. "And I'm bi, not 100% gay," he muttered after.

Stiles finished looking through the bag and sighed. "I guess you're clean," he said. "For now,"

"I guess I'll be seeing you around then?" Theo asked with a smile. He put his bag back in his locker and headed back outside to continue the game.

Stiles made sure Theo left before spreading his legs open and rubbing the bulge that had formed.

"Fuck," stiles said to himself. "I'm starting to fall for Theo fucking raeken,"

Theo F*cking RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now