A/N / Update / More Characters?

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Since it is snowing today I might have a snow day tomorrow so that means I will update some more chapters so you will see what happened when Aaron and Aph were about to kiss... I wont spoil it so I hope I didnt get your hopes up :P Anyways if there is a Minecraft Diaries ship that you have and you would like me to write on it tell me your ship and I will start brain storming your ideas! Or if you want to become a part of the story coment the things in this order:

Short Backstory:
Any thing extra:

I will be looking at ALL of the comments whenever I can and you will see if you get added Just note that I will have to find a way to add you so dont be expecting it instantly anyways, Thank you for reading this A/N / Update good luck with your characters I will look at everyones but remember not all of you can be added to the story at once. I will try to add someone into the story by tomorrow or Thursday if all goes well. See ya in the next chapter which will be up tomorrow some time baiiii!!!

~Jess <33

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