The secrots of Bedlam High

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Secrotly held in captiviaty what did she do??

There was a scream and then silence a pin dropped and he suddelny woke up. There was box's scaterd all over the room she were locked up in a small space and could hardly make room, she hoped that when they day would come her marble would save her.

Chapter 1 - The sudden dream

Years and years had gone by when "Bedlam High" reopened but were made into flats. The owner of the flats brought here daughter and that was when all of Bedlams history were discoverd.

A woman drove down the road known as milly she saw Bedlam and the atraction pulled her to it the force was saying yes but she were saying no the force were to strong for her she had a bad feeling and tried to stop the car but it carrid on rolling down the hill past the grave yard.

Milly got out of here car and went to have a look inside, there was a closed of area that is being re-made and had piped dangling down form the ceiling.Earlier on that day she was called to do CPR to help save the old womans strock but she lost her, she was sat on the floor in the middle of the kitchen but started to cry, she saw something move behind her turned to look she saw the figure of the lady but as a ghost her eyes were full of darkness and the paleness of her skin was white she pulled out a picture in her pocket of her and her boyfriend milly looked in the backgroung and saw a blured out figure of a man....

Now milly isnt normal like you and me she sees things that are untrue to us and the trerrifing things known to man. Visions, Visions thats what she sees,has a mark on her back a symbol of the unknown.

... that wasent there before.

she started to wounder that ever scince she got here she thought that she could uncover the man that is in her picture as each day went by he got closer and closer to her in the picture. In the cafe she met a man behind the bar that lived in one of the apartment but trey how lived in ther with him mysterously died and they said he hung himself but there was no evidence Trey's girlfriend also lived in the aparment and the bar man invited milly round she agreed to sleep there untill she went back home.

The next day she had a look in Trey's room she picked up some drawings when she loking in the eyes of the drawings she knew that what she drew and what she knows is the same as Trey. Stared to tremble across the room whilst pacing and woundering if she would die like that if she was droven to her death she knew that she couldent stay and never left the room that day never let anyone leave................

The next day she had a walk to the cafe, sat at the table next to the open window with the strong breeze flowing through, and chatters of young sluts walking by she had a look outside the window but there was no one there, she had another look all she could see were bumble bees buzing or should i say hovering abouve the beautiful red and white roses.

Hope u like the first part of my story i have to thank my mum for inspiring me to right a story based on this please can sum1 make a cover for me i want a girl with a ghost behind her e-mail me the picture and ill see if its good enough --- littlemisslol101 xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2012 ⏰

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