Well it's was ceciliavega1600 and now it's Miku_AskuFirst Favorite Color: It's was Green 💚!
But now it's Violet/Blue!!!First Story I Ever Read On Wattpad: Well it's was Fairy Tail and Soul Eater Funny Pictures By Phoenix_DragonSlayer
First OC: it's was me!!!! Miku Aksu!!! 😋✌🏻
First Book I Published: It's was actually Ask And Dare Fairy Tail
First Instruments I Played: Everyone first time was the recorded and Now I played the violin.
First Pet: it's was a Guinea pig!!! I think there so cute but I was so little when I had Guinea pig!
First Anime: ahh, memories well it's was Sonic X!!!!! I love it!!! So much! 😆
I tagged: Phoenix_DragonSlayer , Nalu-Fay-dragneel , lovely_Pikachu_ , Golden_Heart_
(You don't have to do it! 😋 😉)