chapter 3

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A/n : hey guys here is chapter 3 of this book it's like 8:08 right now so late but what ever let's get on with the book.

Kat's p.o.v
So I think Adam now knows that I'm a hybrid but at least he doesn't know about my powers and my YouTube channel. Oh shoot I need to upload a new video for my channel. "Um hey dad can you leave now and you can't tell anyone ok" I ask dad. " sure sweetie no problem" dad answered. Cool now I can record.

( skip to after recording )

I had just fished the recording and when I open up the door I see a little Benja and bacca fall out of the doorway. I scream " MITCH, JEROME WHY ARE YOU STANDING BEHIND MY DOOR " mitch answers " cause we heard you yelling and we thought something was happening and so we came and you were talking to yourself and by the way WHEN DID YOU GET A YOUTUBE CHANNEL " " WHO HAS A YOUTUBE CHANNEL " I hear dad, Ian, ty, fish, and Jason yell. "Um... no one does um..." I yell back. " Guys the others weren't suppose to know graaa fine as long as they don't know it's me in mc were fine but, you guys know if you see a person in mc that's name is Shadow_Of_Death1 ( it's a made up mc name and mc stands for minecraft ) it's me ok" I tell mitch and Jerome, " got it" mitch and Jerome answer me back. I ask mitch and Jerome they want to play some minecraft and mabye I can show them my channel I am the most popular person on youtube I have the most subcribers ( yes i know that pewdiepie has the most subs but in this book he has 1 millon ok on with the book ) yeah no biggie." Hey um... mitch, Jerome you want to oh I don't know record a minecraft video or just play some mc" I ask mitch and Jerome. " Yeah let's play some mc " Jerome said." Oh and um hey Kat do you think you could record for your channel while we played please " mitch begged me after Like a couple of minutes I finally gave in and gave them my channel name. " Guys here is my channel name it's The_Wolves_Of_Death and I call my subscribers the death pack so yeah anyways let's go record and play ya" I gave the mitch and Jerome.

( time skip to the beginning of the recording cause I'm lazy )

Kat's p.o.v
" Hey all you death packs it's your buddy The_Wolves_Of_Death here and today we are playing a survival series with mitch or the bejancandian and Jerome or ASFJerome and let's get this party started" I say into the mic.

( time skip till after the recording )

"That was so much fun Kat you were so much fun to have well I got to go edit this video bye talk to you later " mitch told us. "Thanks guys and your welcome and plus remember not to tell anyone about my channel ok ot my minecraft account ok " I ask, they both nod there head.

A/n : well I'm going to end this chapter here and that's all for now see you in the next chapter bye.

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