Today is the day.

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You pulled on your dress. Today is the day. The day you and Alex vow to each other to always be together until death do us part. You was really excited but yet your stomach was filled with butterflies. You got your mom/mum to do your make up and then you were ready to go!

There was silence in the car all the way to the church. What if he isn't there? What if there is a car crash? What if something goes wrong? You got out of the car slowly, careful not to tear your pure white dress. 5 minutes later. Everyone was ready but you weren't sure that you was. You decided to do this anyway.

The doors opened. Hundreds of necks craned round to stare at you but you ignored all od them because your one true love. Your life. Was stood roughly 13 meters away from you. His beautiful scruffy hair flicking over his eyes. You could notice him in a crowd of a thousand. The music started playing.

As you walked down the aisle. You noticed that Alex had been slightly crying so you kissed him on the nose and grinned. You didn't listen to anything the priest was saying until it came to the 'I Do's.' 'Alexander William Gaskarth, Would you take Katja as your wife?' The priest asked . 'I do' Alex whispered. 'Katja, Do you take Alexander as your husband' He turned to you. 'I do.' You said and everyone cheered. 'You may now kiss the bride!' The priest shouted over all the cheers.

Suddenly, you felt warm salty lips on your own. The kiss was filled with passion, happiness. and pure love. You knew, from that moment on that you and Alex would be together forever.

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