First Day

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Staring at the giant school in front of me I almost cried, my mother hadn't been able to come help unpack, and the thought of my dad helping me made me want to laugh. After staring a bit more I shut the car door and set off towards the building.

The office lady stared at me and I stared back, she had apologized repeatedly for not being able to get me my own room, but after convincing her I would be fine, she handed me a key, map, and a my new ID card. Walking up to my room was a pain, I got lost about twice, and after finally arriving to my door, I was nervous.

I was told that my roommate was a seemingly nice boy and was on the school football team. He was the top of his class, and gave the speech at the opening ceremony.

Opening my door I found no one inside, their stuff was payed out on the bed, but they themselves were no where to be seen. The room was on a larger scale than rooms I had heard about by my mum and older brother, it was also symmetrical bed, nightstand, and desk wise.

Plopping my stuff on the bed I started to unravel and set up my posters and smaller trinkets. The room reminded me more of home now that I had more homely things put up.

A picture of me, my brother, and my mum sat framed on my nightstand, next to a signed picture of My Chemical Romance. A fabric poster of the Elric brothers hung above my desk. I had the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series sitting on my desk.

Deciding to take a rest from setting up my stuff, I plopped down on my bed and pulled out the food I had stashed in my bag, a couple of boxes of granola bars and 2 jars of peanut butter was put under my bed and hidden my blanket.

I awoke from my nap to the door slamming open, jerking up, my hair flew everywhere. "DAMN IT" I yelled as I looked at my curly brown hair, now in tangles from not being put in a bun.

I was pulled out of my hair related thoughts when i heard someone coughing, looking up I saw a boy standing there, assuming he was my roommate I got up and offered him my hand. "Hi I'm Natalie, sorry about that, I just really don't like knotted hair" I greeted softly.

He looked at my hand, then looked at me. "Oh goodness sorry, I'm your roommate" I finished.

"Wasn't I supposed to have a boy roommate?"

I blushed scarlet, "Well I technically used to be a boy, but I'm a girl now.." I trailed off.

His mouth formed a o.

So...yeah...I guess this is the beginning...sorry its short, they'll get longer...Welp...that's the first chapter, I dunno when Ill be updating each week, so I'll try to develop a schedule. Well see ya *double guns and a wink*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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