Unforgivable//Killian Jones

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Emma didn't quite understand why you were so angry this morning at work. You almost always wear a smile, and today it's just plain curses and growls. She asked you, but you just brush it off saying you were tired.

She left around noon to grab the two of you some lunch while you held the fort at the police station. You were typing down a report when you heard the door open and you look around, expecting Emma with your food but turned disappointed and furious when you saw Killian come in, acting rushed as he walked towards you. He wore his usual attire, all black leather, and his usual hook. You get up and walk around the table, distancing yourself from him.

"Don't talk to me." You snapped.

"But I-!"

"Don't ever come near me again or I will arrest you!" You snapped, snatching some file reports from the table in front of you, trying to look busy.

"Hello!" You look up at his irritated voice and he holds up his hook, looking rather sarcastic, "Pirate! Remember? I'll still break out!"

"I'll still arrest you." You muttered, already running out of threats.

"So, what? I can sit in that jail cell and just annoy you the whole day?" He points at the cell door behind your desk and he smirks, "That's not exactly avoiding me, is it, love? It seems like you want to be near, just not talk to me."

You don't answer, you just sent him a glare his way and then looked back down at the reports. He waits, looking around the office and then back to you, sighing. His face softens to a really guilty and sad persona.

"Look I've made a mistake-!"

"Yeah, you tend to do that a lot-!"

"Listen!" He urges. You both hated it when one kept interrupting the other. When you closed your mouth he continued, "I never meant to hurt you, lass. What I did was stupid and I always do something stupid. I don't intentionally try to hurt you, really. I just...I'm still trying not to be...me."

You look at him oddly, "That made no sense."

"It doesn't have to." He said softly, his eyes begging for forgiveness and his eyebrows knit together. He heaved in his breaths, looking desperate as always when he tried apologizing to you. You looked as if considering the apology, and stare down at the papers before looking back up at him,

"You know your usual explanations and apologies always somehow make me forgive you...but not this time. This time you went too far, Hook."

You called him by his title, which you only did when you were majorly pissed at him. His breath catches in his throat and loses the ability to speak. He didn't know what else to say to you.

"I'm back!" Emma's voice called out and you drop your gaze back to the papers. "Oh-!" Emma comes in with a paper bag and two coffee cups, noticing a saddened pirate and you speaking. "What are you doing here, Killian? Did I interrupt something?"

"No/Yes." You and Killian both say at the same time and you both exchange a look.

"He was just leaving." You bluntly said before sitting back down.


You thought the drama would be over once you got home, but he followed you everywhere you went when you two argued until you've forgiven him. You hear the doorbell ringing after dinner and you go to the door, opening it and frowning when you see Killian again, panting from all the running around town no doubt.

"What?" You snapped.

"I found out who you are in the stories." Was how he started. "In the boy's book."

Killian "Hook" Jones ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now