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Niall Horan : Point of view

I watched as the girl walked towards me, Why would she come over? I ain't nothing special. "Are you okay?" She asked looking me up and down. Her eyes met mine, "Yes" I lied hoping she'll believe. I don't want any pity, "Are you sure? You're bleeding right above your eye" She said crossing her arms. The rain was falling hard but it's seems she doesn't care. "I'm fine really" I lied, "I'm not buying it," She said. Why can't she just say okay and leave? It doesn't matter if I'm fine or not. Like anyone would care anyway, To them I'm a homeless person living in the street.

"Jade" She said holding her hand out, I grabbed it. "Niall"

"Well Niall how about I get you some nice warm clothes. New shoes, and food" She suggested. I shook my head, "You don't have to do that, I ain't nothing special" I said. "For an Irish guy, You sure do talk American" She smiled. "Trust me everyone is special in their own way. So what do you say? My cars over there" She said pointing to the black slick and shiny Range Rover.

"But I'm wet" I mumbled, She giggled. "I am too! I get my brother to get the car clean tomorrow no biggie" She smiled. I sighed, "I don't want to be a burden" I said, "You're not! You should feel lucky. I'm not this nice to random people" She said looking up before back to me with a smile.

"What if your brother beat me up for..." I trailed off thinking of what to say next.

"Non sense! He's not rude, he's not even buff. He won't hurt fly let alone another person" She smiled.

Boy was she wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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