Part 1

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Harry grimaced at the picture Louis took of him after they first met. It was a snap of him making dinner in his boxers after he spilled boiling water on himself making spaghetti. Harry flipped the photo album to the next page and saw pictures of Louis' first trip to the pet shop. Harry took long looks at each picture reminiscing. One showed him picking out his first collar. A fuzzy pink one with a small bow in the front just where you hook the leash. The second set of pictures were him picking out his bed. Harry bought him a fluffy kitten bed that was big enough for him but It barely got any use unless Louis was in time out because Louis usually fell asleep in Harry's king size bed all rolled up in the covers. He was always too cute to move so Harry just slid in beside him and would sleep listening to the sounds of Louis' purring.

The door downstairs slammed shut and Harry quickly threw the photo album shut and put it aside. Louis was back from his date at the park with Niall.

"Harold! Harold!" Louis meowed crying out for his step father. Harry stood up and ran down the stairs meeting Louis half way down, catching the crying kitten in his tight, comforting embrace. Harry shushed and reassured Louis until his crying turned into light sobs.

"What happened darling?" He asked Louis. Through his sobs, Louis quietly spoke.

"Niall dumped me! He told me he wanted to see other people because I wouldn't have sex with him! Why does being a virgin drive people away?" He sobbed into Harry's now damp shoulder. Harry patted Louis' back and picked him up, carrying him to his soothing owner's room. Harry laid him on the bed and slides in beside him holding him close.

"Do you want me to turn on some music?" Harry says, grabbing the remote and turning Pandora on on the smart tv without an answer because he already knows the kitten's answer. Music was Louis' favorite thing in the world other than Harry.

"Do you think I'm broken? Niall said I'm broken because I don't want sex," Louis asks quietly, looking up at Harry through his long eyelashes. Harry hadn't seen him this vulnerable since they first met that rainy day. Louis was a fragile, bony mess when Harry came across him in the bushes outside his house. The rain had soaked through the dirty clothes he was wearing. His hip and collar bones stuck out. One of his ears had been torn in half from a fight with a dog and was still matted with dried blood. It took Harry an hour to get Louis to trust him enough so that Harry could bring him inside the house and clean him up. "Dad?" Louis asked, knowing Harry had zoned off. Louis never called him dad unless Harry wasn't answering to his name. It always got Harry's attention because it caught him off guard.

"No baby you're not broken. Niall is just a fuckboy who only wants a boyfriend so he can stick his dick into something other than his fleshlight," he reassured his stepson.

"Uh ew Harry. Thanks for the visual. Do you think it's weird I'm a virgin?" Louis asked nervously.

"No Lou, you need to find the right guy. He will come around someday. He'll be loving, attentive to your needs, will take care of you, will treat you like a king and will wait for you til you're ready," Harry smiles and pets Louis' ears. Louis nodded and rolled over to rest his eyes, the thought of a perfect man engulfing his thoughts. Harry left the music on and left the room turning the light off to go make dinner.

Louis thought of Harry's description of a perfect man until his level of exhaustion got the best of him and he dozed off. Louis dreamt about his home life. How Harry took care of him and how he treated him like a king even though he was 5 years younger then him. Harry took him in at his worst and made him the man he was today. He was loving and caring and always there to comfort him.

Louis woke up in a cold sweat. He couldn't get the realization out of his head. His dream opened his eyes. No one would ever be more perfect than Harry and no one would ever treat him that well. Louis frowned. This man took care of him like he was his father. Even at such a young age, Harry gave up being in his early twenties to take care of Louis' poor self. How could he ever get his step father to be his lover? He had to make a plan. He was almost 19 so he wasn't a kid anymore. Harry might be older than him but Louis was an adult now.

"Louis! Come down for dinner already, I've been waiting for ten minutes!" Harry huffed from the kitchen, knocking Louis back into reality. Louis got up so quickly, forgetting he was tangled in the blankets, that he fell out of the bed hitting his head on the side table. It knocked his head hard and Louis stood up, feeling a bump already forming. He meows loudly and upset.

"Louis?" Harry comes running up the stairs and into the room.

"I hit my head!" Louis cries out, showing Harry his bump forming. Harry nodded.

"I'll go get ice, get back in bed baby," Harry runs back downstairs and gets ice in a bag wrapped in a towel and brings it back up. "Here baby." Louis takes it and puts it to his aching head and Harry leans down to kiss his forehead. Louis suddenly remembered his dream and felt the heat in his cheeks as a blush forms across his face.

"Hey uh Harry?" Louis asked getting Harry's attention, "I think I know of the perfect guy for me, how do you make the first move."

"Well Kitten, I always used to make guys dinner before I asked them out or invited them over to watch a movie and then kiss him when he least expects it," Harry says, smiling at Louis' happy face.

"Okay Harold. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you. Can you bring my dinner up here and eat in here with me tonight?" Louis asks politely.

"Of course, I'll be right back," Harry goes downstairs and Louis can hear him making plates. Louis smirked in his absence. All he had to do was kiss Harry. Louis laid back and closed his eyes smiling, imagining the kiss.

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