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Ash's POV
I ran over to Misty and hugged her while crying her sisters looked at me in a confused way but I didn't care.All of a sudden I told her exactly what happened to me and my whole life I don't know why but I did. "Ash that's so sad now I know why you wanted to stay here," "Thanks Misty for letting me stay here," "Your welcome Ash now let's sit down k," "Ok!" Then Ash and Misty went in Misty's room leaving Misty's very confused sisters alone. "Ok so now that we're alone you can tell me the story," says misty. "alright so it all started when I was very little my parents would always compare me to Red.They would always treat him better and love him more.They would never compliment me they would only criticize me.Whenever I did good on a test they would always say Red did better then I did.They would call me names like stupid and dumb and useless and a brat and never thankful and a mistake.They would tell me they hated me and wish I was never born and and t-they would hit me and t-they still do!" I say. Then I started to cry and Misty started hugging me when all of a sudden her phone went off.She finished the phone call and told me something... "Ash t-tomorrow we're leaving to become famous so we need to start packing," What!" We started packing.
Next day
"Well the day has finally come Ash it's time to leave," "Yep so I I guess now we are going to become famous." "Yeah no more normal life for us," says misty. Then we left to become famous.
Hey everyone this is the end season 2 is gonna be called Life As A Star.It will be made on February 25 please read the story it is season 2 of Perfect.
Well until then bye 😉.(my catch phrase only)Vote comment and follow

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