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I'm boozed up. Actually no, I'm just high. Wait, to be honest I'm pretty, no very intoxicated. However, my favorite poison is you. You walk through the door and it's like you sufficiently please me, just by standing there. I see you walk and I want to grab you and show everyone you are mine. I want the reason I make it far in this life to be you. I want to envelope myself in you so deep that I no longer know the difference between your air and mine; they are the same, they are one.I want to roll over on the side of my bed, no our bed and see you pissed off at me because I hog all the blanket and force you to cuddle with me.  I desire for your lips not only kiss mine but brush over them so slightly, so gently, so beautifully. I wish for my heart to only belong to you, to stand on the pews and say "I love you". I crave you to taste my skin. To visit every single spot and claim it your territory. I long for raw,passionate love. For you to make the hairs on my hand stand in attention when you whisper in my ear. I hunger for you to tear me down only to build me back up; better, stronger, yours. I yearn for you to reach inside me until I don't have a soul to claim to anymore.   I thirst to see you walk into that door in your army uniform and as corny and cheesy at it sounds and say " are my home". I want New York with you. I want to live in a studio with no heater for the winter. I hunger that we live happy ever after,no matter if New York, LA or some place in the very middle. I want to sit down at a dinner table have two kids sitting there with your last name. I want all of you. The thing that really makes it amazing is that in this insane world you want me too.

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