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   We all know when that bell goes off, we are finally done our school duties, so we want to be as fast as we can. I am never fast enough to get out to the car quick, so here are some tips that helped me:

   First of all, during the last break before the last class, put everything back into your bag/backpack so that it looks like your packing up to leave, but take your binder to the next class. Even stuff those math homework papers and novel study guides in your bag so you don't forget!

   During the last class, keep track of the time. 4-5 minutes before the bell should ring, start slowly packing up your binder so you don't get caught as that early packer by the stiff teacher! It will even help just to bring that binder home with you, so you don't waste time stuffing it in its spit in your locker!

    Well, this isn't necessary, but every single class I have is put in one binder, everything from the current unit, while the older units hang out at home in another binder, so at the end of the day I only carry one binder home instead of two, or even three! If you want a little guide on how to organize your "One Binder Of All" then just comment requesting it and I will!

Bye my friends!

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