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As I walked into my room, I threw my bag onto the floor and plopped on the bed. I huffed my hair as it was up in my face. I soon got a text message from an unknown number;

From Unknown Number:
Hey Charli, its me Andrew. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? It's okay if you don't want to or if you're busy. (:

I was kind of shocked, why would a boy as cute sweet and popular as Andrew want to hang to hang out with me. I quickly add his number to my contacts. I text him back:

To Andrew:
Um sure, meet me at plush horse(an ice cream parlor). :)

From Andrew:
I'm on my way.

I get up off my bed and walk to my mirror, I check how I look. My god, I'm so fat. I think to myself. I fix my make up and get going. As soon as I reach the parlor, I see Andrew sitting there with a girl. I knew, he had a girlfriend.

I walk to him, "Hey" I said.
"Charli, hey what's up?" he asks as he gets up to hug me. It was a pretty awkward hug, a side hug.

"Hi, I'm Alecia." says the girl with him. She was so beautiful, curly blonde hair and brown eyes (Tori Kelly). She had the most amazing body, and the prettiest smile, no wonder they're dating perfect couple.

"Hey, I'm Charli" I say shyly.
"Andrew, you never told me about Charli." she says as she smiles.
"Actually, I just met her today, thought we should get to know each other." he says with his hands on the back of his head.
"Well, glad to meet you. I should get going" she replies, she gets up and so does Andrew and they hug. They say their goodbyes and he comes back to sit with with me.

"That was my sister, by the way. She dropped me off." A wave of relief comes over me as he says that, not his girlfriend. I smile to myself.

"Well, she's gorgeous." I say.
"She has the better genes." He says back to me.
"No, you're cute too." I say, then regret it afterwards because he looks at me, then he laughs. Relief.

"Okay lets order some ice cream," he says as he gets up "what flavor do you want?"
"Ill get dark chocolate and oreos in a medium cup" I tell him.
"Nope youre getting a cone" he replies.

We walk back to our seats as we eat our ice cream, he got rocky road.
"So.." I say, "Whats the school like?"
"Lots of cliques thats for sure, I do have my own group of friends, but Im friendly with everyone. We have the nerds, the jocks, the cheerleaders-which I can tell you is the rudest and meanest clique in the school, I dated the head cheer leader (obviously you're the captain of the basketball team) she was my first and only girlfriend but we broke it off because she cheated on me..." he replied as everything got quite,"she wasn't worth it anyways. But everyone thinks Im some fuckboy because Im the captain, when really Acacia's the only girl I've been with, and you saw how that turned out. And shes always trying to get back with me but i don't want her she broke my heart. But I don't care anymore, I'm hoping I can find a girl who isn't like her," he says as he stares at me and smiles.. "Sorry, I kinda got carried, the schools great you'll love it.

We continued to talk about our lives, I learned that his favorite color is black, he loves the Fast and Furious Series, he wants to become an NBA player or a sport physical therapist bc thats close to being in the NBA😂, and that his father passed away when he was 13. I kinda relate to him because my mom passed when I 11 and its knowing theres someone who can relate to me with things like this. And I told him, he responded with a Im always here for you.

We we're rushing my mother to ER, she was unconscious. No one knew why or what happened, she just wouldn't wake up in the morning so we called the ambulance. We couldn't go through the doors, so we had to wait in the waiting room. Then the doctor came.
"Are family of Mrs.Jones?"he asked as we all nodded. "Your mother had a heart attack. Shes okay now, but she is in a coma. We don't know when she'll wake up or if she'll wake up. We need to sign this, (DNR-Do Not Resuscitate-I think is what its called) when you sign this-if she has a flatline we will not try to resuscitate her. Most people do sign it, as they don't their loved to be ones in pain." He then walks away.
I look at my dad, "You cant do this" holding back my tears. "You cant shes my mother."
"I have to, I don't want her to be in pain." He says very calmly.
"I have to do this, I don't want her to be in pain." He replies as he then breaks down.
My father did sign the papers, I didnt want him to but I didnt want my mommy to hurt. So I was okay with it.
When we went to see her we all took turns talk to her, I told her how much I loved her and that I'd stay strong for her. She was my world.

She passed away a week later.
I couldn't believe I had lost her.
*End Flashback*

Andrews P.O.V

She is so beautiful, but I guess she doesn't see it because every time I mention it she just ignores me or objects it. I really like her, even if we met just today. There's something about her, I really like it. She's different.

"Charli?" I say.
She turns to me and smiles, "yep?"
"I really liked today, I hope we can do this sometime again." I say as I get up.
"I had fun too." She says shyly. Why is she so shy, she shouldn't be that way.

I offered to walk her home and she agreed. When we got to the door, she looked at me and I leaned in to kiss her and she just hugged me really quickly, said bye and walked in.

I got home, got something to eat, and rushed to my room. I then texted Charli.

To Charli❤️ (I changed it to this bc I really like her):
hey, I had a lot of fun today. you looked really pretty btw. And Im really sorry about what happened when I walked you home. I really am.

I send wait anxiously a while for a reply, then I hear my phone buzz.

From Charli❤️:
me too, thanks. no its alright its just im not used to things like this. you dont even like me.

To Charli❤️:
what are you talking about, of course i like you. youre amazing!

From Charli❤️:
so whatre you up to?

Obviously she changed the subject, so I just go along. I wish she could see her beauty.

To Charli❤️:
just listening to music, hbu?

We talked all night, I think I might actually be falling for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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