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"Daddy...can you walk me in...please?" I gave him the puppy dog face. Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Alright, darling. Only for today though." I was jumping all over my Daddy's car. I was so happy that my Daddy would be there.

Today was the first day of school well for me, and I had many butterflies in my belly. I didn't know anybody here. I was the "new kid." Would people like to play dolls with me? Will they let me borrow their crayons? Stop. They will love. Everyone loves you. The car came to a stop. I looked out my window and saw this huge school. Oh my. I blinked a couple of time to see if this was real. And it surely was. My Daddy opened my door and he un-did my seatbelt. He took my hand and led me into the school. The rooms were decorated with pictures and deigns. The butterflies began to fly away. We walked through door, and a women was waiting for someone.

"Alexis?" I looked up at this women. She had a dress on that came to her ankles. Her hair was in a braided bun, and her make up was very light. She was so beautiful. She bent down to my level, and her blue eyes were looking into mine. I felt an ease.

"That's me!" I held out my hand, and she shook it. I giggle escaped my lips, and I couldn't help but laugh. She started to smile, and I couldn't but think about my mom. She looked exactly like her.

"Would you like to see your classmates?" I let go her dad and hugged my Daddy goodbye.

"Bye Daddy. I love you." I kissed him, and he let go. I took her hand in mine, and we walked through the halls again. She opened the door to another room, and I saw a bunch of kids.

"Hello kids. This Alexis. She just moved her from California. I want her to be at home. Welcome her, and be kind. Table five has another chair, Alexis."

"Thank you...Miss, Wright." I let go of her hand. I turned to a boy by my side.

"My name is Evan. I'll show you to table five. That's my table." I couldn't help but blush like crazy over him. He was so cute, but Daddy said boys have cooties. Ewww...cooties! He took my hand....wait I AM GOING TO GET COOTIES. No Daddy said only if you kiss him.

He led me to the table, and he pulled out a chair for me. Wow. A boy never did that to me. He was so sweet and just so cute. I sat down and pushed myself in. He sat beside me. "We are coloring shapes today." I smiled at him those pretty blue eyes. "But you have to stay inside the lines." I couldn't help but laugh. I picked up the blue crayon and started to color. "Your favorite color is blue?"


"Mine is to."

"Really?!" I don't know why I was excited about that.

"Yeah. It's just like the ocean. I love the ocean. Anything blue I love."

"I love the ocean!"

"I love waves."

"How cool!" He took my hand and I was kind of shocked.

"Can we be besties?"


 "Hahaha....well nice to meet you Alexis."

"Nice to meet you Evan."




I was waiting at the airport, for my bestfriend to arrive. God damn what takes so long. Come on. Where the hell are you....?


I sprinted down the airport into his arms. I couldn't help, but feel like when we were little....haha good times.

I tried to fight the tears, but damn I haven't seen this kid in over two months. He is like my brother. Ever since first grade.

"Damn...girl...why can't I get a hello first?"

I laughed at how I was still in his arms. "Sorry. I am just so happy to see....don't you ever leave me again....!"

He went to New York to see his Mom, because his Mom and Dad divorced when he was three. He always spent the summers with her, Christmas break, Spring break, and sometimes even weekends. The weekends stopped once the flight prices went up. Which meant more time with my bestfriend which I was grateful for.

"Don't worry you'll be coming with me next time." I smiled at the thought.

"You have a girlfriend remember..." Why did he have a girlfriend....that wasn't me. He told me awhile ago he liked me...and I liked him to just never told him. When should I tell him? Damn...I'm not getting any younger.

Alexis that is cheating. You can't tell another man that you love him. You love Matt not Evan. Oh shut up. Who cares about Matt? You do. Yeah I do, but Evan is one of a kind. He wouldn't leave Ashley for you. Or would he?

"Yeah I know, but you are my bestfriend for how many years now? 10 years now? And you still haven't met my mother."

"I will go with over Christmas...if you want me to."

"Hopefully Ashley doesn't get jealous..."

Oh she will. No she won't you guys are JUST friends. Nothing more. God I hate you.


What a mood killer. Why am I so down? You are here with YOUR bestfriend. Have fun with it.

"Well Evan...?" Hopefully he didn't hear. Didn't hear me. Didn't hear me.

"Yes Alexis."

Damn it.

"Well since we haven't seen each other in so long I thought he can spend the day together?" Say no. Say no. Say you can't Say you can't.

"I can't..."

What...wait...what the hell?


"I am sorry I planned a date with Ashley tonight. I wish you would have told me earlier."

See I told he doesn't like you! SHUT UP!

"Um yeah..." I didn't want to cry, but the tears were on the brim. I forced a smile, and I couldn't even look at him because it would hurt more.

"I am sorry Alexis."

"It's okay, Evan."

No it isn't.

"It isn't okay. I am truly sorry."

"It's okay!" I started to shout. I can't stand here in front of him and lie. I started to walk away. Only to hear my name being shouted behind me.

Just keep on walking. Don't look back. I felt the tears slid down my face. He finally picked her over me. Just a week ago he said he wouldn't. What a liar! I can't believe I believed all his lies. I wonder how many times he lied to me.

Did he actually like me, or did he feel bad for me because I couldn't find a boyfriend. Oh my god. How could he. How could I believe stupid could I be?

I fiddle with my cars finding the right one, but my tears were blurring my vision. I left around the key finally finding the right one. I opened the car door, and I sat myself inside finally letting the tears come sliding down. How could I love him? How could you still love him? I started the engine and sat there for awhile trying to collect my thoughts. I sat there for two minutes until I finally got myself together.

The drive was long way from home. About 35 minutes or so. My phone was being blown up from Evan. I just blasted the music, and I let the beat fill my veins. I was listening to "F*** You." By Cee Lo Green, and I couldn't help but sing along. Hahaha maybe this will turn my day around.

Fingers crossed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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