Dark Secrets

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Chapter 1: Dark secrets

Paris Pov

"Hey lets go to Zero Gravity Club" my friend Laquisha said and my other friend Jamie nodded her head in excitement and agreement

"Ok lets get ready" i said and we all went to Laquisha's room. Shes a fashion designer well for us and only us we are best friends since we were little. Laquisha picked our outfits in the walk in closet. We lived in the same mansion and all of us had a walk in closet.

"Ok Jamie your outfit is this" Laquisha showed us to Jamies dress a strapless sexy black short tight dress. "Go put it on" Laquisha said and Jamie went to her bathroom. We went to my walk in closet and Laquisha was looking at looking through racks of dresses until she smiled and pulled it out.

"This one is perfect" she said and turned it around and showed it to me its a one shoulder tight dress that goes above my knees. "Go put it on and i need to find my own dress" Laquisha said and closed the door. I went to my bathroom and changed. I got out and looked at myself in the long mirror. And I look stunning if I do say so myself. I looked through my pair of shoes I put on my sparkly gray heels. I let my naturally straight hair down.

I went to go see how Jamie looks. I knock on her room and she opened it in seconds. She looked hot (no homo) with her tight black strapless dress and she curled her hair it looked pretty. And with her gray heels.

"Woah you look good girl" i said making her laugh and said "not to bad yourself" "why thank you" i said me and her always do accents every time we compliment on each other.

"Lets go see how Laquisha is doing" Jamie said and we went to Laquisha's room Jamie knocked and out came out Laquisha with a hot pink strapless dress with a white belt around her waist. And white heels on.

"You two look so fine" Laquisha said in a british accent "why you don't look to bad yourself" i said in a british accent just the way Jamie said it.

"Mmm yours need something Paris" laquisha said and went to her wal in closet we followed her and she came out with a black leather belt. She put it around my waist tightly. "There" she said and looked at her fashion design sense take over.

"Thank you' i said and we headed downstairs. The only sound we heard was Kilo breathing and our heels clicking when we took every step.

Oh yea i forgot we have a dog well its laquisha's dog his name is Kilo he is a pitbull a loving pitbull.

"Ok let me get my keys and ID we can go" I said grabbing my small purse I check and the were in. I went to check on the girls to see if they had there ID and they nodded there heads.

"Ready" i asked them and they said "yes"

-skip car ride-

We were in Line to get into Zero Gravity. They aren't as many people as we thought it would be. It was our turn to show our ID they let Jamie and Laquisha in and now it was my turn to get it. "ID please' the guy said he had a deep voice the deepest voice i ever heard. I gave him my ID and he gave it back to me. "You can go" he said and I got in and see to find Jamie or laquisha. I saw them, they were by the bar tender.

"What you lovely girls want" the bar tender said I look at his name tag his name was "Austin". "3 shots of Vodka please" Jamie said and we started to smile. "We are gonna have some funn" Laquisha said making Jamie and I laugh. "Here you go" Austin said giving our Vodka. I drank mine in seconds I just love vodka its my favourite. I saw Jamie face she is still kinda new of drinking alcohol. She made a funny face when the Vodka burned her throat.

"Woah I'm still not use to it" she said and put hers down she still have some Vodka left

"Yea we can tell" laquisha said and we started to smile. "Lets hit to the dance floor" i said and Jamie nodded her head. Jamie followed me but laquisha didn't. "Laquisha you don't wanna dance" i asked her. "I will right where I can find someone to dance to" she said and winked we laughed and headed to the dance floor.

"Oh I love this song" i said and it started playing We can't stop by Miley Cyrus a good song to dance when your trying to get drunk and have some "fun".

"Wanna dance" i heard a Irish accent behind jamie. Jamie turned around and said "who" "you"he said and he took her hand so it was me all alone. So I went to go get some more Vodka.

I was drinking my last vodka and I was tipsy but I still went to the dance floor. I was swaying my hips to the beat of the music and moving my arms. Thats when I felt two hands on my hips.

"Hey love, do you want to go some where private" his voice was dark tough and low

"No thank you" i said trying to wiggle my way out of his strong grip "well you are coming with me" he said an we started walking well, he was dragging me to go somewhere private.

"Let her go" i heard a low british accent behind us. I saw his features he had brown curly hair, tall, had strong muscles.

"What are you gonna do about it" The guy who was holding me let me go and I went a little farther than them, i think they were about to fight.

"I'll do this" The other guy said and punched him right in the face. He kept punching him and thats when I started to get a little dizzy. The other guy stopped punching the guy who tried to rape me and went to my side.

"Are you ok?"he said is voice with concerned and thats when my vision went black.

Harrys pov

"Hey I'll be right back I'm going to go somewhere" i said putting on my leather jacket.

"Ok" My friend Louis said he was stating over for a while.

I got into my car and drove off. I got to the Zero

Gravity club I always go there. I got out of my car and locked it I went to go in line. It was my turn and the security let me in without my ID. I have my name on the list so in don't need an ID.

I went to the bar tender and asked for the usual. After a few minutes I saw this guy trying to go have some "fun" with a girl. She looked drunk and saw that she din't want to. I walked over there to stop them.

"Let her go" i said to the man and the girl looked at me she looked like my age well, around my age I guess.

"Wha we were just having some fun right sweet cheeks" the guys i knew was Blake he always goes for the girls that are drunk and have sex with them.

"No we weren't"the girl snapped at him and trie to wiggle again out of his embrace.

"I said let her go" i said it again before I beat the shit of him

"What are you gonna do about it" Blake said and let go of the girl "i'll do this" i said and punched him in the face. I kept punching until on the corner of my eye I saw the girl was getting dizzy. I was done beating Blake up and went to the girl.

"Hey are you ok" i said my voice sounding concerned. I saw that her eyes rolled at the back if head. She was going to fall but luckily i catched her. I picked her up bridal style and went to my car and we drove off.

I saw some if her features she had straight brown hair that goes to her waist. Thats about it we'll see tomorrow.

I got in the house and Louis saw me holding a girl in my arms. "Umm harry, care to explain all of this" louis said and i put her down in the couch.

"Sure, i saw blake trying to go have some fun with her obviously she was drunk so i went and tried to help her. I beat up blake then i went to see if she was ok then she was getting dizzy and pass out but i got her" i said explaining everything to Louis he nodded his head in understanding.

"Well i better go put her in my room and put her some comfy clothes" i said picking her up bridal style again and i was going up the stairs until louis yelled "don't look anywhere else while you changed her" "i wont" i said smiling.

I put her down in my bed carefully i went to my drawers and picked up one of my shirts and sweatpants.


Go read Going Crazy and Crystal Heart

Plus read my other books

Love at first sight

Vampire Protectors

Long time no see

My best friends brother

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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